Specification of Adaptable Model Migrations
Paola Vallejo, Micka
el Kerboeuf and Jean-Philippe Babau
University of Brest/Lab-STICC - MOCS Team, Brest, France
Metamodel and Model co-evolution, Migration Specification.
This paper puts the focus on adaptable model migrations. A dedicated formalism is introduced to combine
automatically-generated migrations with custom-made migrations. To illustrate this issue and the approach
we suggest to address it, a prototype engine is presented. Then, the prototype is applied on a case study. The
prototype processes the migration specifications that have been automatically generated and then customized.
The case study consists of the reuse of a mapping tool, in order to change highlighted places. During the reuse
process the migration specification is customized in order to produce different migrated models.
Reusing legacy tools allows to reduce the cost of pro-
ducing the tooling for a Domain Specific Modeling
Language. A legacy tool is defined by its specific
metamodel (the tool metamodel): the tool metamodel
contains only the elements needed by the tool to exe-
cute its functionalities. A common issue when trying
to reuse a legacy tool is that the context in which the
tool should be used (the domain metamodel) is differ-
ent to the tool metamodel.
Even if these metamodels are different, we can
suppose that they share a common subset of close
concepts. Thus, the tool metamodel can be consid-
ered as an evolution of the domain metamodel. From
this point of view, the reuse of a legacy tool implies to
put existing models under the scope of the legacy tool
by means of migration techniques.
A well known and rather obvious way to achieve
this purpose relies on the principle of metamodel and
model co-evolution. It basically allows the meta-
model transformations to be automatically reflected
at the model level. Thus, model-level specifics
cannot be automatically taken into account by co-
evolution. In order to overcome this lack of model-
level customization, we present an approach to com-
bine both automatically-generated model migrations
with custom-made model migrations.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 in-
troduces a motivating example. Section 3 presents the
principles of the migration specification which under-
lies our approach. A case study is presented in sec-
tion 4 to show the relevance of this approach. Related
works are discussed in section 5. The paper is con-
cluded with an outlook on future work in Section 6.
This section introduces a case used as a running ex-
ample throughout the rest of the paper. MapView is
a legacy tool we aim at reusing. It displays a map
in which the location of specific buildings is marked.
The color and the label of the marker depend on the
place’s type. The tool has been implemented by us-
ing the Google Maps API
. An excerpt of the Ecore
metamodel of the input data that can be processed by
this tool is shown in figure 1. This metamodel intro-
duces the concepts of City, Neighborhood, Place and
Address. There are different types of places (e.g. Uni-
versity, Dormitory, HealthCareCenter). Each place is
located at a specific Address.
Figure 2 shows a variant of the metamodel on
which MapView has been designed. This metamodel
corresponds to an excerpt of a City Information Sys-
tem (CIS) which represents the population of a city.
It contains information about the citizens, their job,
theirs studies, their accommodation and theirs places
in the city. These data are typically expected to be
collected during a census.
This metamodel can be seen as a variant of the
MapView metamodel with additional elements (i.e.
Citizen class and all its features, citizens reference,
zipCode attribute and country attribute of the City
Vallejo P., Kerboeuf M. and Babau J..
Specification of Adaptable Model Migrations.
DOI: 10.5220/0005231200320039
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD-2015), pages 32-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-083-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)