ger could probably stay at zero or a string value may
stay null. At this point it is up to the developer to
decide whether this is an unwanted and problematic
behaviour of the application or not. Additionally, a
tooltip is available if the attribute value of the instance
on each JVM is interesting for the user. In figure 4
the tooltip indicates, that the capacity property has in
both instances, in the Shuttle Node and the Shuttle
Management Node, the value 13.
In this paper the Visual Debugger and its usage with
distributed applications is presented. The main pur-
pose of the tool is to give a view on the current state of
an application by showing all relevant objects during
a debugging session. This is achieved with an UML2
object diagram visualizing objects on the Java heap.
Although the Visual Debugger has been proven to
be useful in a successful recent research project, there
are still open areas. During a debugging session a
regularly observed problem is that several changes in
the object diagram happen too fast to follow them.
Therefore an additional replay mode would be help-
ful where all changes in the object diagram during the
last debugging session can be repeated forwards and
backwards. If a debugging session must be repeated
several times to find the source of an unwanted be-
haviour, each restart forces the user to fill the object
diagram again with objects. An automatic restoration
of diagrams when the same debugging scenario is re-
peated would be helpful.
Nevertheless, the Visual Debugger should be seen
as addition to existing debugging tools and not as a
replacement. Thus, a tight integration into the Eclipse
IDE was an important design goal. During debug-
ging sessions which focus on supervising the state of
a specific, but known part of the application the Visual
Debugger delivers the most value.
One important lesson we learned so far is, that the
Visual Debugger has a steep learning curve; indepen-
dent from the experience of the software developer.
Students as well as professional developers (work-
ing in the industry for years) shared similar problems
when they are confronted with an unknown kind of
tool like the Visual Debugger. We currently develop a
tutorial addressing this problem.
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