vanced solution based on task sequencer with arbi-
trary periods (APS). However, to our knowledge no
efficient solution has been proposed to optimize both
the number of tasks and system schedulability.
In this paper, a novel method has been proposed
for mapping runnables to tasks based upon the APS
approach. This method uses the activation offset
property of runnables in order to minimize the re-
sulting number of tasks. Experimental results show
that the number of tasks is reduced significantly. Fur-
thermore, our method increases by 34% the system
schedulability bound in comparison to PS approach.
It can be outlined that the PS approach exhibits a
better performance in terms of system response time
compared to the MPS approach but this is in the
detriment of the tasks number. Simulations demon-
strate that our APS approach outperforms both PS and
MPS ones regarding both the number of tasks and
the system response time. We aim also to investi-
gate the experiments setup by extending it to cover
more complex system configuration. In particular,
we would like to measure the performance of our ap-
proach when varying both utilization factor and tasks
deadline. Further, a work in progress has been started
to test our approach on a real board (NEC V850) with
AUTOSAR 3.2. The preliminary obtained results are
satisfactory but have to be also investigated to cover
more system configuration.
Precedence and shared resources constraints will
be also considered in the ongoing work. Finally, we
plan to apply this heuristic to multi-cores architec-
tures in a short future.
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