In this paper, we proposed a malware classification
method based on sequence pattern generated by net-
work flow of malware samples. The goal was to clas-
sify malware only by using its network behavior. The
method begins by extracting flow data from traffic ex-
tracted by a dynamic analyser of malware. We ex-
tract features of flow and cluster them by a K-means
algorithm. On the basis of the clustering result, the
sequence patterns are generated. These patterns rep-
resent the network behavior of a malware family. Fi-
nally, we classify the malware’s behavior by using a
sequence alignment algorithm. Although our experi-
ment is preliminary, its results show that it can clas-
sify new types of malware into appropriate families as
their variants.
Our future work will focus on studying the clas-
sification of unknown malware against known mal-
ware families using network behaviors. We intend to
continue developing and testing the classification sys-
tem, while expending our malware samples and refin-
ing our classification algorithm. We are also going
to compare our method with other classification sys-
tems that use malware behavior. Our classification
method has the potential to accurately analyse mal-
ware behavior, which should assist developers of anti-
malware software to catch up with the rapid evolution
of malware.
This work is supported by R&D of detective and an-
alytical technology against advanced cyber-attacks,
administered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Also, we thank Dr. Takeshi Yagi, who is a re-
searcher in NTT Secure Platform Lab., for providing
us the traffic capture data of malware samples.
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