Although the developed system doesn’t make
exact predictions of gene functions (the precision is
about 63%, see Table 5), it may be used as an
alternative or complementation to the existing
annotation systems: the existing systems predict
functions for genes from sets C4 and C5, and our
system covers functions for genes from sets C3 and
C5. Therefore, the use of our system can increase the
share of annotated bacterial genes by 19% (by the
size of the C3 set).
63% predictions of gene functions was received
for P
and Z=5.0 (see 2.1). P
and Z
was chosen
with a large margin. It is possible to define an upper
limit for the number of false positives in C2 set. For
this purpose we can use the number of profiles
which have at least one "1" received for mixed genes
(see 2.1). The number of these profiles was 0.4 %
and other profiles contain only zeros. Profiles with
zeros have P>P
and automatically eliminated from
our consideration. But 39 “random genes” which
have at least one "1" received profiles with P < P
. It
means that less than 0.01% is upper limit of false
positives for N2 (C2 set). Thus, false positives have
a small effect on our results.
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