sibility to act as an instrument in further analyzing
and discussing models and scenarios to satisfy intra-
sectorial requirements. An important task to perform
in this context is to make GoalML even more suit-
able for use in different contexts such as goal analysis
of ‘open data networks’, as GoalML is rich in detail
which makes it suitable for advanced users but less
suitable for more novice users at first. Another part of
future research deals with the question how goal mod-
els can be integrated into software with the intention
to provide different forms of computer-based support
for, e.g., strategy formulation, goal achievement, and
enterprise management in general. A possible form of
computer-based support is to use the information pre-
sented in goal models for deductive purposes. For ex-
ample, information from goal models provide a foun-
dation for the generation of rules that need to be ad-
hered to when conducting tasks or processes that are
related to a goal. By adhering to these rules, it is pos-
sible to steer in a direction that would lead to goal
achievement. This part of future research also relates
to creating models at runtime and self-adaptive sys-
tems, which implies that a system adapts its structure,
functions, or processes to a (manually) modified goal
system. A self-adaptive system might also modify the
goal system itself to better cope with a changing en-
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