the GraBaTs’09 Reverse Engineering Contest. While
model size has a substantial impact on the memory
footprint and loading time using XMI, the impact is
softer in the case of MQT. However, results show that
number of queries to be translated and executed has
direct impact over the execution time. The number of
queries is dependent on the nature of the model.
For future work, we plan to perform a complete
study that will involve: (i) experimenting with dif-
ferent database configurations and with different in-
memory caching strategies; (ii) experimenting with
queries of different types (e.g. more complex, return-
ing more results, etc.); (iii) experimenting with mod-
els of different sizes returning similar results and with
models of same size returning more results; and (iv)
comparing results with other persistence approaches.
Open issues for the future are: (a) implementa-
tion of the Resource interface of EMF to integrate
the approach with EMF-based tools; and (b) analysis
of whether the approach could be generalized to sup-
port additional persistence approaches and querying
This work is partially supported by the EC, through
the Scalable Modelling and Model Management on
the Cloud (MONDO) FP7 STREP project (#611125).
Authors wish to thank Dr. Dimitris Kolovos and Ar-
turo Orbegozo for their help on this work.
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