average cost obtained by presented algorithm for
graph with 30 nodes when δ=0,3 (3074) is lower
than the best obtained result using DGP08 (3081).
For presented methodology, when δ=0,2, the best
obtained solution is the same as for DGP08 (3081).
Results obtained by algorithm Ewa was: time 204,
and cost 2975 for graph 10, for graph with 20 nodes
the execution time was 457 while cost was 3020.
Also for bigger graph (with 30 nodes) the results
were much worse that obtained by DGP08 and
GP2015 – obtained time was 789 and cost was 5330.
In this paper we present a new methodology based
on genetic programming for hardware/software co-
synthesis. Unlike other genetic programming
approaches the number of individuals in populations
is not const. Moreover the number of individuals
increases in each population. This is achieved by
increasing number of individuals obtained using
mutation operator.
First obtained results indicates that the results
obtained by proposed methodology are better than
obtained using other algorithms. In every genetic
approach number of individuals in each population
has to be large. Presented methodology allows to
generate less individuals in initial population and
obtain good solutions during evolution process. The
size of final population will be found by the
Some test like t-test, Mann-Whittey test or
Wilcoxon test (Ruxton, 2006) can be made to
compare DGP08 and GP 2015, but we were afraid
that they may underestimate the true significance of
obtained results.
The future work will concentrate on examining
the influence of another genetic operators on quality
of the results and different representation of
genotype tree. We will also test different genetic
operators and chromosomes.
This work is supported by the Foundation for Polish
Science, under grant “Mistrz 2012” No. 9/2012:
“New computational approaches for solving next
generation microelectronic design problems”.
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