compared to this method.
Group Signatures (Chaum and Heyst, 1991) allow
a member of a group to create a signature on behalf of
the group. The verifiers can only prove that the signa-
ture was created by a member of the group but not by
whom. Unfortunately, group signatures are not suit-
able for the envisaged scenario, because each time a
user leaves the group, new credentials have to be dis-
tributed to all group members. This property obstructs
in our case the scalability of the approach because of
the high probability that multiple vehicles leave the
group every day. More over, we cannot assume that
all vehicles are quipped with mobile communication
devices to obtain the required information from the
central entity.
An Anonymous Credential (Camenisch and
Lysyanskaya, 2001) is a set of attributes issued by
a trustworthy entity. An user can prove a subset of
her attributes to a verifier without revealing her iden-
tity, whereas several proofs cannot be linked. Again,
Anonymous Credentials are not suitable in our case,
because they require a regular connection to a cen-
tral entity to get revocation information. As before,
we cannot assume that all vehicles have a connection
to a central entity, because we cannot assume that all
vehicles are equipped with a mobile communication.
In addition proofs of attributes show a high computa-
tional complexity and do not establish an encryption
Matchmaking Protocols (Baldwin and Gramlich,
1985) are intended to authenticate two members of the
same group without revealing their group to others.
However, this scheme does not hide the identity of the
members, it hides only the group they are a member
of. In contrast, we need to hide the identity of the
members and not of the group.
K-anonymity as defined in (Sweeney, 2002) pro-
vides a metric to measure the anonymity of a subject,
where k denotes the number of subjects it is indistin-
guishable from. This metric will be exploited in the
sequel for the envisaged scenario.
In this section we first specify the requirements of the
anonymous authenticated key agreement protocol and
then present it in detail. We also characterize possi-
ble attacks and comment on the protocol parameters
considered so far.
An anonymous authenticated key agreement pro-
tocol allows two parties, who are members of the
same group, to establish a confidential communica-
tion. To achieve this goal, both parties have to agree
on a session key to encrypt the exchanged messages.
The identity of the other party is unknown at the be-
ginning of the protocol and both parties are not will-
ing to expose for privacy reasons their application-
specific identity to anyone. In addition, it shall be
possible to revoke access for single parties and only
members of the same group shall be able to agree on
the session key. The protocol shall fail, if one party is
not a member of the group. Not eligible parties shall
gain as few information as possible about the other
party. We only consider single-hop connections, be-
cause multi-hop connections are difficult to maintain
in VANETs due to frequent topology changes.
4.1 Protocol
The advocated anonymous authenticated key agree-
ment protocol takes the ECIES scheme and combines
it with ring signatures. Such a signature is intended to
sign the transmitted ECIES parameters. By combin-
ing ECIES with ring signatures, the vehicles agree on
a symmetric encryption key as standardized in (IEEE
1609.2, 2013) and bind this key to a specific appli-
cation with the help of a ring signature created with
application-specific pseudonyms. This generic ap-
proach has the advantage that the vehicles can use
the safety identities already known to each other for
ECIES and hide the application-specific identity by
means of ring signatures. So, it is no longer possible
to identify the entity which actually created the sig-
nature. The only information to be derived points to
the set of pseudonyms present in the ring. Therefore,
the application-specific pseudonyms can be reused af-
ter a pseudonym change without any link to safety
pseudonyms. As a consequence, less application-
specific pseudonyms are necessary. We exercise the
ring signature scheme based on elliptic curves as pro-
posed in (Lin et al., 2007). We favor this scheme,
since elliptic curves provide the same security level
with a much shorter signature length compared to
RSA. In addition, we propose a second version of
the protocol, where the pseudonyms of the ring sig-
nature are encrypted together with the signature. We
denote these protocol versions as non-encrypted and
encrypted, respectively.
We introduce the following notation for the de-
scription of the protocol: ServiceAnnouncement de-
notes a service announcement according to (ETSI TS
102 890-2, 2010). V , C and T are defined according
to (IEEE 1609.2, 2013). V is the public key of the
sender, the parameter C is the symmetric AES key K
encrypted by ECIES, while T denotes the authentica-
tion tag of ECIES. The pseudonym of entity X is de-