elements are known, future work can include an
evaluation of efficiency.
Some conclusions can be drawn regarding the
effectiveness of the representation. As evidenced by
the questions exchanged among the domain expert,
KEs and software developer, the initial knowledge
models failed to convey some information both of a
high-level, conceptual nature and low-level technical
nature. No significant effort was made to address the
latter problem. However, KE and domain expert
conducted a follow-up knowledge modeling session
to address the issue of missing conceptual, high-
level information in the initial model, which enabled
the software engineer to complete the data
definitions for the two use cases. While it seems
unavoidable that some conceptual knowledge of
interest to the developers might be missed, given the
limited amount of time devoted to knowledge
elicitation in this study, it would likely have
occurred in any representation. The representation
used here is well known to be more concise and less
ambiguous than textual descriptions. Further, on the
basis of the exchanges between the domain expert
and the developer it can be determined that, while
gaps in the model's conceptual knowledge
representations existed, the developers at least knew
the right questions to ask.
Partial funding for this project was provided by
Blue-Cross Blue-Shield through the Security and
Software Engineering Research Center
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