state estimation incorporating the observations from
its cluster members. The role of the cluster head is
handed over to a cluster member if the available local
resources decrease. Comparing the cluster-based to
the centralized approach, scalability is increased and
there is no longer the risk of a single point of failure.
Further, in resource-aware VSNs the fully distributed
approach stresses the camera’s capabilities in com-
munication and processing due to the high amount of
messages to be exchanged. Further, their observations
are processed simultaneously and thus leading to re-
dundant results on each camera.
This paper provides two scientific contributions
with a focus on resource-awareness: (i) Utilized by
the market-based approach we perform dynamic clus-
ter management including cluster head election and
handover. (ii) With evaluations in a simulation envi-
ronment we show the advantages in terms of resource-
awareness of the proposed cluster-based protocol over
the fully distributed approach. A state estimation al-
gorithm is incorporated for both approaches.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the related work to state estimation and clus-
tering methods in VSNs. In Section 3 we define the
system model for the cluster-based approach. Further,
Section 4 describes the underlying market-based ap-
proach as well as the state-space model. Section 5
shows the cluster-based protocol and the incorpora-
tion of the state estimation algorithm. In Section 6 we
evaluate the proposed protocol and discuss the simu-
lation results. Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper
and gives an outlook on future work.
In our approach we focused on related work concern-
ing cooperative state estimation and clustering meth-
ods in VSNs.
Cooperative state estimation is a well-known re-
search topic in VSNs to optimize an object state.
There exist already approaches for fully distributed
systems having an underlying linear state-space
model (Olfati-Saber and Sandell, 2008). Several
authors in (Ding et al., 2012), (Song et al., 2011)
and (Soto and Roy-Chowdhury, 2009) propose the
distributed Kalman-Consensus Filter (KCF) for dis-
tributed state estimation in camera networks. For a
non-linear state space model, there exist other filters
like the Extended Kalman Filter, the Particle Filter or
the newly approached Cubature Kalman Filter. In the
work of (Bhuvana et al., 2013) we made a compari-
son between these three filters for distributed state es-
timation in VSNs. The best trade-off in terms of com-
putational complexity and estimation accuracy when
modeling non-linear states, is achieved with the Cu-
bature Kalman Filter.
Nevertheless, in a VSN the limited resources of
the cameras need to be managed accordingly. One ap-
proach to reduce the participating nodes and thus save
resources, is clustering. The literature describes two
main strategies for clustering: (i) In a static cluster
the nodes are assigned offline to a specific cluster and
do not change over the network’s lifetime (Chaurasiya
et al., 2011), (Zahmati et al., 2007). (ii) In a dynamic
approach clustering is triggered by arising events in
the network as in (Medeiros et al., 2008), (Taj and
Cavallaro, 2011), (Mallett, 2006) and (Qureshi and
Terzopoulos, 2008). In (Mallett, 2006) and (Qureshi
and Terzopoulos, 2008) they use the term grouping in-
stead of clustering. Nevertheless, their task is to form
clusters having a qualifying parameter. In (Qureshi
and Terzopoulos, 2008) this qualifying parameter de-
scribes the extrinsic parameters of a PTZ-camera to
examine the cameras coverage over the object of in-
terest. Thus, they focus on distribute tracking per-
formance among the cameras. Further, in (Medeiros
et al., 2008) and (Qureshi and Terzopoulos, 2008)
it is necessary to exchange various messages among
the cluster members, e.g. to log-in/log-off from the
cluster. Also the coverage problem plays a role in
VSNs for air space surveillance as in (Hooshmand
et al., 2013) and (Torshizi and Ghahremanlu, 2013),
although the clustering process is directed via a cen-
tral unit. Especially for resource management of the
nodes in a VSNs there are several ideas: In (Chen
et al., 2008) they propose a handoff algorithm with
adaptive resource management that automatically and
dynamically allocates resources to objects with dif-
ferent priority ranks. Their resource management ap-
proach is to decrease the frame rate. Similarly it is
done in (Dieber et al., 2011), focusing on coverage as
well. In (Monari and Kroschel, 2010) a cluster head
selects cluster members to deliver tracking responsi-
bilities. Further, in (Younis and Fahmy, 2004) they
propose HEED (hybrid, energy-efficient distributed
clustering approach) for sensor networks. They se-
lect the cluster head based on the residual energy of
the node as well as neighbor proximity. Nevertheless,
the termination of the clustering approach is depen-
dent on the number of neighbors. A similar approach
is realized in (SanMiguel and Cavallaro, 2014). Nev-
ertheless, the communication overhead produced by
this clustering protocol is quite high and its usage for
battery-powered devices questionable.
In contrast to the existing research directions, our
objective is to establish a resource-aware approach for
smart cameras in VSNs. We adapt a market-based ap-