(Khoury and Tawbi, 2012), (Basin et. al, 2013).
How these enforcement mechanisms can be applied
to this work and finding out the set of enforceable
actions will set a possible future direction of our
In this paper we have derived the set of mutually
exclusive and exhaustive security requirements. To
find that out basic notion of process algebra has been
taken. We proposed novel method for describing
low level security policies, dealing with the legality
of actions by a process. Basic security rules of the
policies like Permission, Prohibition and Obligation
are explored. Some examples of formulation of high
level security policies in terms of low level policies
are given in the appendix. The mechanism to get the
effective set of permitted actions complying with all
the applicable security policies at a point in time is
mentioned in this paper. Non-compliance to these
low-level policies is taken as security violation. We
have tried to find out all the possible security
violations. The requirements corresponding to these
security violations are expected to be necessary and
sufficient for a system of processes to maintain
security. This paper also tried to find the dependency
of one security requirement on another and have
found the conjugate pairs among them. The
approach has been illustrated by a running example
of interactions between a server and the attached
Our future work includes how this study can be
applied to different cases of security analyses, like in
risk, threat or attack analysis. With mutually
exclusive and exhaustive set of security
requirements in hand, it is expected to get a better
formal view of security analysis. How to monitor or
enforce security requirements is another possible
area of research. Designing the set of security
controls for a system with optimal usage of
resources is yet another future challenge. It seems,
security policy generation may be done in more
formal way, by using this set of mutually exclusive
and exhaustive security
requirements, which needs
further attention
This research was partially supported by grants
allocated by the Department of Electronics and
Information Technology, Govt. of India. We wish to
thank anonymous reviewers, there comments come
extremely helpful to articulate the ideas and shape
the illustrations.
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