tion out of the raw data about the context is another
difficult process. Service producers and application
developers should not also have to implement the con-
text component part. Baran is an interaction-centred,
user monitoring framework that meets this need. It
collects context information such as interaction, sen-
sor, and physiological data. In future work, the col-
lected raw data will be analysed and higher level in-
formation will be provided. It currently supports the
Windows Operating System (OS) for desktops and the
Android OS for smart phones and tablets. Mac OS
and iOS versions are under development. The Win-
dows OS version of the framework was presented and
published in (Hashemi and Herbert, 2014).
There are other systems to collect and manage context
information for mobile devices include middle-ware,
services, and frameworks. CONTextfactORY (Con-
tory), is a middle ware prototype proposed by Riva
(Riva, 2006). It collects some internal and external
context information and offers a SQL-like interface
using a query language to allow third parties to make
a query about context with some specifications, spe-
cially in an ad-hoc network manner. This work suf-
fers from resource constrained of smart phones and
tablets. Storing the context data needs huge storage
space and also the CPU, RAM, and battery usage for
processing. We address this part by sending the con-
text data to our cloud server in order to store and pro-
cess. We use a well-designed data structure, UDI, for
the data sent to our cloud server. It is explained in
section 4.1.
Hermes, is another context-aware application de-
velopment framework (Buthpitiya et al., 2012). It has
local and cloud service in order to provide context. It
defines widgets that are responsible for sensors. Wid-
gets can communicate to each other in order to trans-
mit context data. While they address the weaknesses
of some other work, they did support other develop-
ers to use their framework. They also did not provide
samples of their work. Their framework also lacks the
functionality of connecting to BAN sensors.
Some other context systems exist, such as the
Context Toolkit (Dey et al., 2001) that is a library,
RCSM (Yau and Karim, 2004) that is middle ware,
and the TEA framework (Schmidt et al., 1999). They
provide application developers with uniform context
abstractions but mostly without the analysing or pro-
cessing data.
In this study we propose the Baran framework.
We implement it in Java for Android and in C#.Net
for Windows OS. Baran is able to collect the context
information and combine it with BAN sensor data in
order to provide the opportunity to estimate UX. In
future we will work on processing and analysing data
to provide the higher level context information.
The term, User Experience (UX), was introduced
in the 1990s (Forlizzi and Battarbee, 2004) and refers
to a user’s perceived experience of a service or a prod-
uct. UX includes all aspects of behaviour, emotions,
and attitudes. Cognitive, emotional, aesthetic, physi-
cal, and sensual experiences contribute to a user’s ex-
perience. UX is defined as : a person’s perceptions
and responses that result from the use and/or antici-
pated use of a product, system or service (ISO 9241-
110:2010) (9241-210:2010., 2010). UX is subjective,
dynamic, difficult to measure, and also depends on an
individual’s perceived experience and context. The
context could be either external, about the environ-
ment of a user, or his/her internal states, such as mo-
tivation, needs, or mood.
There are varies methods for UX evaluation and
measurement. Questionnaires, interviews, and sur-
veys are used in HCI studies (Vermeeren et al., 2010).
A questionnaire contains a set of questions about
the product, its usability, UX metrics, and the user’s
internal states. One of the most popular and reliable
proposed methods in this area is NASA-TLX (Cao
et al., 2009). Mental, physical, and temporal demand,
performance, effort, and frustration level are all mea-
sured in this method. It relies on the workload of a
task and the other measurements mentioned before. It
has been used in variety of studies (Hart, 2006). How-
ever, there is a need for entry of information by users.
AttrakDiff is another popular questionnaire de-
signed to measure hedonic stimulation, identity and
pragmatic qualities of a product (Hassenzahl, 2005;
Hassenzahl and Tractinsky, 2006). AttrakDiff con-
tains 28 questions. The AttrakDiff questionnaire was
used in a study of exploring the effects of hedonic and
pragmatic aspects of goodness and beauty of differ-
ent MP3 player skins (Hassenzahl, 2008). AttrakDiff
is also used in another study (Schrepp et al., 2006)
on the influence of hedonic quality on attractiveness.
There are three different interfaces evaluated by 90
people, who received an invitation email in order to
These methods require users to fill up question-
naires, attend to interview sessions, etc. Complicated,
difficult, and confusing questions in an interview or a
questionnaire can make it unpleasant for users. It is
also not a good user’s internal state indicator as deter-
mining emotions and moods are difficult.
In Human and Computer Interaction (HCI) stud-
ies, understanding a user is the main challenge. It