Several points of this work could be discussed. First
of all, the platform targets fields such as marketing
and medical research, which means its subject could
be the major population. Yet, our experimentations
conducted on subjects ageing from 20 to 30 years
old. Models built for this population are certainly not
accurate for subjects’ ageing between 40 and 50
years old. What’s more, most of the subjects came
because they were intrigued by the experiment: half
of the sample has a psychology background, making
them interested in research concerning emotions.
These people, knowing the research topic, might
cause a certain social desirability bias. The
experimental conditions also play an important role
on how people react: subjects might not have the
same physiological reactions at different time of the
Today, the areas of emotion recognition are seen as
an alternative to the discrimination of different
human feelings, thanks to physiological signals
collected by easy-to-handle, embedded, electronic
equipment. In this paper, we showed the use of
different types of physiological signals to assess
emotions. Electrodermal activity was collected by an
EDA sensor (TEA), and heart activity was measured
through a biofeedback sensor (Nonin). An
experiment involving 35 subjects was carried out to
identify the physiological signals corresponding to
the six basic emotions proposed by Ekman (joy,
sadness, fear, surprise, anger, disgust). Participants
were exposed to a set of 12 videos (2 for each
emotion). Videos set was partially validated through
a subjective rating system. In our future work, we
focus on confirming the benefits of multimodality
for emotions recognition with bio-signals, as well as
on integrating an electrocardiogram sensor (ECG)
which could bring more swiftness to the system.
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