clinical evaluations since our workflow models only
use limited amount of data (which can be handled
with code supplements to the DCCSS model). How-
ever, defining an explicit and independent data model
which is sharable between all the four DCCSS aspects
is an important line of ongoing work.
In this paper, we propose DCCSS as a meta-model
for dynamic checklist, which reuses existing infras-
tructure from outside the clinical domain. By analyz-
ing a use case derived from clinical practice, we sum-
marize four checklist modeling requirements, which
are the clinical workflow, the clinical rule, the lay-
out and the interoperability between the workflow
and the rule. According to these modeling require-
ments, we have reviewed the popular business process
modeling languages and clinical rule modeling lan-
guages and we have chosen BPMN and GLIF as the
best building blocks for DCCSS. By then adding spe-
cific constructs which were not yet supported by the
more general BPMN and GLIF metamodels, we have
ensured that DCCSS meets checklist-specific model-
ing requirements. Finally, we have modeled a peri-
operative checklist to demonstrate the effectiveness of
the meta-model. The DCCSS model can be executed
on a prototypical system Tracebook which can inter-
face the EMR system of our clinical partner.
One advantage of our approach is that it gives
a platform independent model which is not tied to
a specific workflow engine or rule engine product.
This is important since hospitals already have a vari-
ety of process aware information systems (which con-
tain workflow engines) and decision support systems
(which have rule engines). When using small wrap-
per systems such as Tracebook, hospitals can easily
reuse their existing products and knowledge for real-
izing dynamic checklist functionality. When the hos-
pital legacy systems lack support for standards then
the integration work will still be significant but the ef-
forts of building a standard interface on top of a pro-
prietary legacy system are orthogonal to building dy-
namic checklist support on top of that.
In ongoing work, we are extending DCCSS with
support for platform independent data access from
each of its four perspectives.
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