minimize security issues towards VM. Therefore,
security risk towards cloud computing that utilize
VM as the main technology could be reduced.
By VM detection, malicious system could
withdraw any harmful operations such as botnet
attack and hiding itself from the VM security
systems. As the result, malware may avoid from
being detected by VM security applications, thus
reducing the risk for their behavior from being
studied and revealed. Attackers may now write
programs that first try to detect either the system are
running on VM or not before executing any
destructive or security breaching operations. The
malware could than selectively targeting to only
execute their operation on native machines or client
devices such as smart phones and mobile devices.
This will creates critical vulnerability in cloud
computing. Furthermore if majority of future
malware detection such as honeypot runs on virtual
machine, malware will eventually choose not to run
at all on those environments. The malware attacks
will be escaping from detection and exploiting of the
VM itself (Ferrie, P., 2007).
Enterprises are also trending in using smart and
mobile device that runs on Android, Apple iOS,
Apple Mac OS X, Blackberry and etc. This trend is
the result from the emerging use of cloud computing
environment as information are now easily can be
accessed through the cloud computing. Enterprises
will provide the mobile devices to their employees
in order to give better mobility in completing their
daily task. In such cases the required thin client
software applications such as those that are related
to sales, finance and customer managements will be
made available to be downloaded to the devices.
However, before the applications could be released
to the employees, we predict that there are high
possibilities that implementation and testing process
for the applications will be done using emulator in
the VM on the cloud computing environment. The
applications test results might not give the true
results, especially in term of security testing against
various malicious code because the malicious
operation may not show their behavior when they
had detected that the running environment are VM.
As a result once the application released, the mobile
device and other stand-alone environment might be
compromised in such a way that the malware will
start to execute malicious behavior once it had
detected that it is not on a VM environment.
Therefore data that are stored or communications
through the mobile devices might be revealed to
malicious third party.
In previous researches, one of the methods for
detecting execution within a VM, have typically
focused on specific artifacts of the implementation,
such as hardware naming, guest-to-host
communications systems, or memory addresses.
Functional and transparency detection method was
discussed in (Ferrie, P., 2007; Garfinkel, T., et al.,
2007) by highlighting detection strategies that look
upon the characteristic of logical discrepancies,
resource discrepancies and timing discrepancies
between VM and non-VM environment. Detection
method that focuses on differences in performance
between VM and physical hardware were also
discussed. However, as machines that are being used
to host the VM are continuously improved, the
difference according to performance might be
different and more tests need to be done constantly
to verify current situation. A light weight detection
method of Virtual Machine Monitor using CPU
instruction execution performance stability had been
studied in (K. Miyamoto, et al., 2011). However, this
method required adjustment to be made in operating
system (OS) and could lead to instability in the OS
itself. On the other hand, detection method that
focuses on network implementation and VM
behavior could be considered as a technique for
remotely detecting VM without compromising the
target. Method that using network timestamps was
first exploited by (Kohno, T., et al.,2005) using TCP
timestamps as a convert channel to reveal a target
host’s physical clock skew, which uniquely identifies
a physical machine.
Malware will try to avoid honeypots that are
mainly implemented in VM to trace and record their
behavior and signature. One of the honeypot tools is
the automated solution, dynamic malware testing
systems TTAnalyze (Bayer, U., et al., 2006) was
proposed and became the ideal tool for quickly
getting an understanding of the behavior of an
unknown malware. This tool automatically loads the
sample of malicious code to be analyzed into a
virtual machine environment and execute it. The
tools recorded the interaction with the operating
system that involves recording which system calls
were invoked, together with their parameters. This
tool could be considered as the early stage of
implementation of honeypots in VM. Meanwhile,
Temporal Search is a behavior based analysis
technique that exploits the fact that, using processor
performance to measure time can be inaccurate and
the only way for malware to coordinate malicious