cally, only objects whose classes are related using M
mappings may safely be related using M
Another approach utilising higher-order transfor-
mations is discussed in (Hoisl et al., 2014). The ap-
proach is based on defining bi-directional transforma-
tions between modelling artefacts, and uses higher-
order transformations on the specifications of the bi-
directional transformations. This ensures that also the
transformations between the modelling artefacts co-
evolve correctly.
An approach for defining reusable metamodel be-
haviour is discussed in (de Lara and Guerra, 2011).
The approach is based on generic concepts which al-
low adding the same behaviour to unrelated meta-
models. This is achieved by using pattern matching
according to the parameters and requirements of the
concept. A similar approach, in the form of model
types, is discussed in (Steel and Jzquel, 2007).
Composition mechanisms that work on both the meta-
model and model level are important to ensure consis-
tency in the metamodelling ecosystem. In this paper,
we have illustrated how metamodels and models can
be composed in a practically non-intrusive manner in
order for their operational semantics to be linked to-
gether. Non-intrusive composition is achieved by util-
ising a set of mappings, both at the metamodel level
and at the model level. By building on the principle
of partial representation we are able to specify proxy
classes. A proxy class is a placeholder for another
class. Its attributes and operations represent structural
requirements that need to be supported by the class for
which the proxy class is a placeholder. Non-intrusive
composition allows for metamodels and models to
be composed without rendering models, editors and
other modelling artefacts invalid.
An interesting next step is to see whether the map-
pings may be realised in a different form and incorpo-
rated more closely into a language’s definition, and to
study whether non-intrusive composition brings value
also for non-executable models. Future work also
includes solidification of the framework to industry
standard, with the inclusion of a graphical editor.
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