developer at anytime.
Finally, a hybrid approach that uses composition
at generation- and run-time may provide a sufficient
solution to handle composition. However, it is cur-
rently not common in practice.
Despite the relevance of MDD code generators, there
are no common development methodologies and ap-
proaches for developing code generators product
lines. We have analyzed the common processes of
product line engineering to identify research chal-
lenges for code generator product lines. It shows that
research is needed in analyzing, designing architec-
tures, and implementing code generator product lines.
As a primary step towards an infrastructure for
code generator product lines, we have applied ideas of
variability-aware module systems to identify research
challenges. Crucial to a code generator product line
are interfaces, which contain variability, generation
information, extensions to the generated artifacts, and
different behavior of the code generator components.
This is unique to code generator product lines com-
pared to general software product lines.
We have pointed out the different forms of code
generator composition to derive requirements for a
code generator product line infrastructure. The main
requirements for a code generator product line infras-
tructure are support for incremental code generation,
specification of code generator component interfaces,
support for validation of generated code, and support
for individual semantics of a composition operator.
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