It can be noted that now it holds
As it was shown in the previous example, using
the α
-algorithm over the log whose causality
relation is equal to the basic causality relation (
), the obtained network will be the same as the
original network.
From the preliminary results presented in this
paper, it can be seen that our assumption that the
model of a parallel process can be obtained from the
logs that do not meet the requirement of
completeness is valid, and we are working on its
formal proof or a counterexample (in the latter case,
we will work on identifying the conditions in which
the property still holds and on its experimental
In this paper we were faced with one of the biggest
challenges in the research process mining, which is
the problem of completeness of the logs in the
discovering process model based on the example of
the process of behavior recorded in the workflow
logs. Solving problems of completeness logs in
parallel processes, presented in this paper, has led to
change in the technique discovering the process
model as well as in the α-algorithm, (as it was cited
Although the α-algorithm is basically simple, it
has not been particularly practical because of many
problems that it cannot overcome, as it was
described by Aalst van der (2011: 129). Besides the
basic α-algorithm, the examples of variation α-
algorithm given by L. Wen et al (2007), heuristic
mining, given by A.J.M.M. Weijters and J.T.S.
Ribeiro (2010), a genetic process mining, given by
A.K.A de Medeiros (2006), fuzzy mining, given by
Guenther and Aalst van der (2007), process mining
from a basis of regions, given by M. Sole and J.
Carmona (2010), are known, also. Most of these
algorithms are emerged in order to overcome
problems encountered in using the basic α-
algorithm, but the problem of completeness of logs
has not been overcome, and it still remains a
challenge for future researchers.
As such, it became the subject of our
observations and modifications as a part of a broader
research on discovering business process models by
examples. Preliminary results presented in this paper
address concurrent processes without loops. The
examples show that with our modification of the
discovering technique, we are able to overcome the
problem of completeness of logs in parallel
processes that occurs in the basic α-algorithm, and to
improve the efficiency of obtaining the process
model. Our future work will be focused on finding
the theoretical or empirical confirmation of the
obtained results. Also, the obtained results
encourage us to continue to investigate the effects of
introduced modifications to other types of processes.
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