indicating a user's traversal across a space. It would
receive inputs from the stride length estimator
module and heading determination module, and
would have knowledge of the coordinates of the
previous point. The coordinates of the initial point
would be set to (0,0).
The new point would be calculated as:
is the x-coordinate of the current point,
is the y-coordinate of the current point,
the x-coordinate of the previous point, and
the y-coordinate of the previous point, l is the stride
length, and is the heading.
4.2 Pedestrian Locomotion Model
As the main component of the pedestrian locomotion
module, the pedestrian locomotion model is a
classifier that identifies movements as either positive
or negative pedestrian locomotion movements. A
discussion of how the model was created is written
4.2.1 Data Collection
In this research, 30 subjects will participate by
performing 12 movements for data collection. Each
subject should be at the age range of 19 to 49 years
old, as a stable gait has been found across that age
range (Thanh et al., 2012). On a similar note, the
subjects should also be able-bodied. Every subject
will perform each of the 12 movements for 5
minutes each. The 12 movements are composed of 3
positive pedestrian locomotion movements: (a)
walking, (b) climbing down stairs, and (c) climbing
up stairs; and 9 negative pedestrian locomotion
movements: (d) turning, (e) standing, (f) swinging
one's legs, (g) sitting, (h) twisting, (i) walking in
place, (j) leaning on the heels and balls of one's feet,
(k) doing random movements in place, and (l)
bending. The random activity can be used to test the
robustness of the model in terms of classifying
unlisted movements in future research.
A Samsung Galaxy S2 phone was used to collect
data. For this purpose, a mobile application was
developed to collect sensor readings from the tri-
axial gyroscope and tri-axial accelerometer at a rate
of 100Hz. The phone was placed in the subjects's
right-side pockets at the front. Placing the phone in
the mid-section of the subject is strategic as it is the
person's center of gravity, making it sensitive to
movements made with the limbs. The position is
also a typical location phones are placed in. The
phone is limited to a specific orientation that faces
the phone screen towards the thigh of the subject,
and the top of the phone is pointed down.
4.2.2 Feature Modelling
The data entries would be grouped into windows of
size 100. This window size is equivalent to a second
worth of records, and will have an overlap of 50%.
Three features were extracted from each of the
sensors's axes: mean, standard deviation, and energy.
These features were extracted without removing the
gravity factor from the readings, or applying any
4.2.3 Model Generation
A C4.5 model and a support vector machines (SVM)
model would be generated using WEKA's J48 and
sequential minimal optimization (SMO) algorithms.
The model would be used in the pedestrian
locomotion detection module, and would determine
if the person is performing a positive or negative
pedestrian locomotion movement.
5.1 Tests
Two kinds of test were conducted to evaluate the
INS with and without the prediction module: the
square route test, and the multi-activity square route
test. The tests were carried out by six subjects,
wherein they were limited to follow a marked route,
to execute movements as instructed to them, and to
only bring the phone out at the beginning and end of
each test. The subjects were allowed to walk on their
own natural regular pace.
Square Route Test: The square route test is a
20m walk that is composed of four five-meter
sections that are orthogonal after one another. The
route is purely positive pedestrian locomotion, and is
intended to test the prediction model's performance
in a situation where an INS without a prediction
module will perform perfectly. Another factor to
analyse is the model's ability to classify "walking
while turning" from "turning in place".
Multi-Activity Square Route Test: The multi-
activity square route test is similar to the square
route test but introduces negative pedestrian
locomotion in every corner. The routine, which is
presented in Figure 3 begins with 1) a five meter