While the recognition following the Z axis is widely
affected by the use of a different pair of shoes, the X
and Y axes seem to be almost unchanged to ensure a
similar recognition to normal gait. This seems
logical since Z characterises a sidewise movement.
Sturdy shoes reduce this movement significantly,
while flip-flops offer freedom of movement on this
Naturally, processing of three-dimentional data
requires more computing power than data from
fewer dimmensions. While the initial approach
needed only a couple of seconds for the analysis, the
approach using three-dimentional data needed more
than one minute to process data. As such the initial
approach constitutes a tradeoff time vs. security.
With current hardware none of these approaches can
be used in real-time.
This pilot project addresses a couple of factors, e.g.
types of shoes, types of floors and phone position
that might have an impact on gait recognition and as
such on the security provided through authentication
mechanisms using gait recognition.
While most of the factors do not have a
significant impact on gait, a few factors like shoes
can have a big impact. Gait is significantly modified
if the user does not use close pairs of shoes. Open
shoes produce impressive results.
A varying surface has only a limited impact on gait
recognition. However, three-dimensional data can
help to mitigate variations generated by the factors
mentioned. In some cases they tend to disappear
leading to a very good recognition rate.
Finally, when the phone is positioned in the trousers’
pocket rather than tied to leg with a leg band, huge
differences appear in the recognition process
because of the modified position. Up and down
movements along the leg introduce extreme values
which impact the results.
Not all results identified were those expected.
This means the problem is worth giving attention in
the future, especially by observing new parameters
together with new recognition algorithms.
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