ideas to apply MDE on MOEAs to simplify the en-
coding steps were presented (Williams and Poulding,
2011) and (Amato et al., 2014). Their idea is to create
an automatic wrapper to transform a model into an ar-
ray encoding and use the traditional approach behind.
We discard the encoding step and use the model itself
as encoding.
We claim that the usage of MOEAs to solve domain-
specific MOO problems is complicated. This is
mainly due to necessary encoding steps, meaning
that a domain-specific problem must be mapped into
a structure, which is suitable for the execution of
MOEAs. This burdens developers with not only to
understand a domain-specific MOO problem but also
with the technical challenge to properly express this
problem in terms of MOEA encoding. Many appli-
cation domains can benefit from MOOs on top of
models. In this paper we introduced a MDE frame-
work to allow developers to combine MOOs with a
model-driven development process. For this purpose,
we enabled the execution of MOEAs on top of mod-
els and significantly simplified their usage and im-
proved their reusability. We showed that the nec-
essary MOEA expertise is hidden in the framework
and enables software engineers to focus on domain-
specific MOO problems instead of MOEA encoding
and decoding. This has several advantages. First,
MOO problems can be expressed in terms of domain
models without being a MOEA expert. Second, type-
safety is kept, which improves maintainability of the
application. Third, since the problem is expressed in
domain terms the solution is more readable. Our ap-
proach allows to use the same models for domain rep-
resentation and MOO problem encoding to avoid the
mismatch between these representations.
In future work we plan to integrate additional
MOEAs in our framework, e.g. NSGA-III (Yuan
et al., 2014). We also plan to apply the type infor-
mation of models to introduce novel optimizations in
MOEA algorithms (Elkateb et al., ). Finally, we will
investigate the optimization of domain model cloning.
As we have seen model cloning in our approachis still
a bottleneck. A faster mechanism would improve the
performance of our approach.
The research leading to this publication is supported
by the FNR (grant 6816126), Creos LuxembourgS.A.
and the CoPAInS project (code CO11/IS/1239572).
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