key. To facilitate the verification of such systems, in
the context of a Model-Driven Development based
on RTEdge (the tool created by our sponsor), we
developed a black-box, online, directed random test
case generation procedure. We experimented with
this procedure on two well-known case studies and
showed that we can effectively reach very demand-
ing coverage levels of the model at random.
We conjecture that such impressive results might
in part be due to some structural characteristics of
our models, which is worth further investigations. In
case this conjecture is confirmed and additional
experiments show we almost reach coverage goals
on other case studies with different structural charac-
teristics, we do not feel overly concerned. Indeed,
thanks to the mapping from an RTEdge model to
Promela we showed we can use SPIN to give us test
cases that will exercise the states/transitions that are
missed by the random generation. Using Promela
and SPIN only would not be economical to achieve
the same level of coverage. However, combining
testing and a formal method would be economical,
as advocated by others (e.g., (Fraser, 2009)). Future
work should also investigate the effectiveness at
finding faults of the generated tests.
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