Table 2: Throughput comparison between theoretical and
simulation analysis.
R Theoretical
Throughput (Kbps)
Throughput from
simulation (Kbps)
1 44 40.37
2 50.3 46.13
3 53 51.27
to reach the sink. This is decided after the expiration
of the timer used to detect a no-acknowledgement. It
is the main reason of this slight difference. Table 2
presents the comparison between theoretical and sim-
ulations results.
Linear Sensor Networks (LSNs) have a large interest
for monitoring applications. In this paper , we pro-
pose a token based MAC protocol to manage the ac-
cess to the medium. We study the behavior of LSN
in the case of three topologies. Thus, we define a R-
redundant LSN where R is the number of neighbors
in each direction for a given node. Specifically, we
study the impact of the redundancy on the throughput
at the sink. We show that by theoretical and simu-
lation analysis that more the factor of redundancy R
is great more the throughput at the sink is also great.
We show also that the redundant allows nodes to have
an equitable distribution of the traffic by dividing the
network into branches.
In future works, we plane to reverse channel in
order to master the token production frequency ac-
cording to the spatial reuse and energy saving con-
straints. Another way to improve the capacity of such
a network is to add a priority policy to the node FIFO
management by allowing highest priorities to the data
frames coming from the farthest nodes. Finally, we
plane to use a Log-normal Shadowing model in order
to model the path loss due to the environment fluctu-
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