Clustering Spam Emails into Campaigns
Mina SheikhAlishahi, Mohamed Mejri and Nadia Tawbi
Department of Computer science, Universit
e Laval, Qu
ebec City, Canada
Clustering Algorithm, Spam Emails, Machine Learning, Spam Campaign Detection.
Spam emails constitute a fast growing and costly problems associated with the Internet today. To fight ef-
fectively against spammers, it is not enough to block spam messages. Instead, it is necessary to analyze the
behavior of spammer. This analysis is extremely difficult if the huge amount of spam messages is considered
as a whole. Clustering spam emails into smaller groups according to their inherent similarity, facilitates dis-
covering spam campaigns sent by a spammer, in order to analyze the spammer behavior. This paper proposes
a methodology to group large sets of spam emails into spam campaigns, on the base of categorical attributes
of spam messages. A new informative clustering algorithm, named Categorical Clustering Tree (CCTree), is
introduced to cluster and characterize spam campaigns. The complexity of the algorithm is also analyzed and
its efficiency has been proven.
Nowadays, the problem of receiving spam messages
leaves no one untouched. According to McAfee
(Labs, 2009) spam emails, also known as junk or un-
solicited emails, constitute up to 90 percent of total
amount of email messages. Based on Internet Threats
Trend Report in the first quarter of 2012, an average
of 94 billion spam emails were sent per day (Report,
2012). In the same year, Microsoft and Google (Rao
and Reiley, 2012) estimate spam emails cost to Amer-
ican firms and consumers up to 20 billion dollars per
year. Spam emails cause problems, from direct fi-
nancial losses to misuses of traffic, storage space and
computational power.
Given the relevance of the problem, several ap-
proaches have already been proposed to tackle this
issue. Currently, the most used approach for fighting
spam emails consists in identifying and blocking them
(Carreras et al., 2001), (Drucker et al., 1999), (See-
wald, 2007), on the recipient machine through filters,
which generally are based on machine learning tech-
niques or content features (Blanzieri and Bryl, 2008),
(Tretyakov, 2004a), (Tretyakov, 2004b). Alternative
approaches are based on the analysis of spam bot-
nets, trying to find bot-masters and neutralizing the
main vector of spam emails (John et al., 2009),(Leon-
tiadis, 2011),(Xie et al., 2008), (Zhao et al., 2009).
Though some mechanisms to block spam emails
already exist, spammers still impose non negligible
cost to users and companies (Rao and Reiley, 2012).
Thus, the analysis of spammers behavior and the iden-
tification of spam sending infrastructures is of capital
importance in the effort of defining a definitive solu-
tion to the problem of spam emails.
Such an analysis, which is based on structural dis-
section of raw emails, constitutes an extremely chal-
lenging task, due to the following factors:
The amount of data to be analyzed is huge and
growing too fast every single hour.
Always new attack strategies are designed and
the immediate understanding of such strategies
is paramount in fighting criminal attacks brought
through spam emails (e.g. phishing).
To simplify this analysis, huge amount of spam emails
should be divided into spam campaigns. A spam cam-
paign is the set of messages spread by a spammer with
a specific purpose (Calais et al., 2008), like advertis-
ing a specific product, spreading ideas, or for crimi-
nal intents e.g. phishing. Grouping spam messages
into spam-campaigns reveals behaviours that may be
difficult to be inferred when we look at a large col-
lection of spam emails as a whole (Song et al., 2011).
According to (Calais et al., 2008), in order to charac-
terize the strategies and traffic generated by different
spammers, it is necessary to identify groups of mes-
sages that are generated following the same procedure
and that are part of the same campaign.
It is noteworthy to be mentioned that the prob-
lem of grouping a large amount of spam emails into
Sheikh Alishahi M., Mejri M. and Tawbi N..
Clustering Spam Emails into Campaigns.
DOI: 10.5220/0005244500900097
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP-2015), pages 90-97
ISBN: 978-989-758-081-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
smaller groups is an unsupervised learning task. The
reason is that there is no labeled data for training a
classifier in the beginning. More specifically, super-
vised learning requires classes to be defined in ad-
vance and the availability of a training set with ele-
ments for each class. In several classification prob-
lems, this knowledge is not available and unsuper-
vised learning is used instead. The problem of unsu-
pervised learning refers to trying to find hidden struc-
ture in unlabeled data (Ghahramani, 2004). The most
known unsupervised learning methodology is cluster-
ing. Clustering is an unsupervised learning methodol-
ogy that divides data into groups (clusters) of objects,
such that object in the same group are more similar to
each other than to those in other groups (Jain et al.,
However, dividing spam messages into spam cam-
paigns is not a trivial task due to the following rea-
Spam campaign types (classes) are not known be-
Feature extraction is difficult. Finding the ele-
ments that best characterize an email is an open
problem addressed differently in various research
works (Fette et al., 2007), (Bergholz et al., 2008),
(Zhang et al., 2009), (Song et al., 2011).
For these reasons the most used approaches to clas-
sify spam emails is clustering them on the base of
their similarities (Anderson et al., 2007), (Ramachan-
dran and Feamster, 2006), (Song et al., 2011). How-
ever, the accuracy of current solutions is still some-
how limited and further improvements are needed.
While some categorical attributes, for example the
language of spam message, are primary, discrimina-
tive and outstanding characteristics to specify a spam
campaign, nevertheless in previous works (Kreibich
et al., 2009), (Li and Hsieh, 2006), (Anderson et al.,
2007), (Song et al., 2010a), (Song et al., 2010b),(Wei
et al., 2008), (Calais Guerra et al., 2009), these cate-
gorical features are not considered, or the homogene-
ity of resulted campaigns are not on the base of these
In this short paper, after a thorough literature re-
view on the clustering and classification of spam
emails, we propose a preliminary work on the de-
sign of a categorical clustering algorithm for group-
ing spam emails, which is based on structural features
of emails like language, number of links, email size
etc. The rationale behind this approach is that two
messages in the same format, i.e. similar language,
size, same number of attachments, same amount of
links, etc., are more probable to be originated from the
same source, belonging thus to the same campaign.
To this aim, we expect to extract categorical features
(attributes) from spam emails, which are representa-
tive of their structure and that should clearly shape
the differences between emails belonging to different
The proposed clustering algorithm, named as Cat-
egorical Clustering Tree (CCTree), builds a tree start-
ing from whole set of spam messages. At the begin-
ning, the root node of the tree contains all data points,
which constitutes a skewed dataset where non related
data are mixed together. Then, the proposed cluster-
ing algorithm divides data points, step-by-step, clus-
tering together data that are similar and obtaining ho-
mogeneous subsets of data points. The measure of
similarity of clustered data points at each step of the
algorithm is given by an index called node purity. If
the level of purity is not sufficient, it means the data
points belonging to this node are not sufficiently ho-
mogeneous and they should be divided into different
subsets (nodes) based on the characteristic (attribute)
that yields the highest value of entropy. The ratio-
nale under this choice is that dividing data on the base
of the attribute which yields the greatest entropy helps
in creating more homogeneous subset where the over-
all value of entropy is consistently reduced. This ap-
proach, aims at reducing the time needed to obtain ho-
mogeneous subsets. This division process of non ho-
mogeneous sets of data points is repeated iteratively
till all sets are not sufficiently pure or the number
of elements belonging to a node is less than a spe-
cific threshold set in advance. These pure sets are the
leaves of the tree and will represent the different spam
The usage of categorical attribute is crucial for
the proposed approach, which exploits the Shannon
Entropy (Shannon, 2001), which yields good results
with categorical attributes.
After detailing the CCTree algorithm and briefly
presenting categorical features for categorizing spam
emails, we will discuss the algorithm efficiency prov-
ing its linear complexity.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 reports a literature review concerning the pre-
vious techniques used for clustering spam emails into
campaigns. In Section 3, we describe the proposed
methodology for clustering spam messages based on
CCTree. In Section 4 the analysis of the proposed
methodology is discussed. Finally, Section 5 is a brief
conclusion and a sketch of some future directions.
To the best of our knowledge just a few works exist
related to the problem of clustering spam emails into
In (Kreibich et al., 2009), the basic idea for iden-
tifying campaigns is keywords that stand for specific
types of campaign. In this study, at first campaigns
are found manually based on keywords and then some
interesting results are extracted from groups of cam-
paigns. As the result of needing manual scanning of
spam, it is not suitable to be used for large amount of
data set.
In (Gao et al., 2010) although the authors focus
on analysis of spam URLs in Facebook, their study
of URLs and clustering spam messages is similar to
our goal concerning spam emails. First, all wall posts
that share the same URLs are clustered together, then
the description of wall posts are analyzed and if two
wall posts have the same description their clusters are
In Li et al. (Li and Hsieh, 2006), the authors be-
lieve that spam emails with identical URLs are highly
clusterable and mostly sent in burst. In their method,
if the same URL exists in spam emails from source A
and source B, and each has a unique IP address, they
will be connected with an edge to each other and the
connected components are the desired clusters.
Spamscatter (Anderson et al., 2007) is a method
that automatically clusters destination web sites ex-
tracted from URLs in spam emails with the use of im-
age shingling. In image shingling, images are divided
into blocks and the blocks are hashed, then two im-
ages are considered similar if 70 percent of the hashed
blocks are the same.
In (Zhang et al., 2009) the spam emails are clus-
tered based on their images to trace the origins of
spam emails. They are visually resembled if their il-
lustrations, text, layouts, and/or background textures
are similar.
In (Song et al., 2010a), J. Song et al. focus on clus-
tering spam emails based on IP addresses resolved
from URLs inside the body of these emails. Two
emails belong to the same cluster, if their IP address
sets resolved from URLs are exactly the same.
In previous work pairwise comparison of each two
emails is required for finding the clusters. This kind
of comparison has two problems: the time complexity
is quadratic, which is not suitable for big data cluster-
ing, and furthermore finding clusters is based on just
one or two features of messages, which causes the de-
creasing of precision. In what follows, spam emails
are grouped with the use of clustering algorithms.
In (Song et al., 2011) the same authors of (Song
et al., 2010a) mentioned that only considering IP ad-
dresses resolved from URLs is insufficient for cluster-
ing. Since web servers contain lots of Web sites with
the same IP address, so each IP cluster in (Song et al.,
2010a) consists of a large amount of spam emails sent
by different controlling entities.
Thus, the authors clustered spam emails by IP
addresses resolved from URLs in their new method,
called O-means clustering, which is based on K-
means clustering method. The distance is based on 12
features in the body of an email which are expressed
by numbers and the euclidian distance is used to mea-
sure the distance between two emails.
In (Song et al., 2010b) after clustering spam
emails according to O-means method, the authors
found that 10 largest clusters had sent about 90 per-
cent of all spam emails in their data set. Hence,
the authors investigate these 10 clusters to implement
heuristic analysis for selecting significant features
among 12 featurs used in previous work. As a result
they select four most important features which could
effectively separate these 10 clusters from each other.
Since the idea for clustering is based on k-means clus-
tering, computationally NP-hard algorithms. Also it
requires the number of clusters to be known from be-
In (Wei et al., 2008) Wei et al. focus on a set
of eleven attributes extracted from messages to clus-
ter spam emails. Two clustering methods have been
used: the agglomerative hierarchical algorithm clus-
ters the whole data set. Next, for some clusters con-
taining too many emails, the connected component
with weighted edges algorithm is used to solve the
problem of false positive rate.
With the use of agglomerative clustering (Han
et al., 2011) a global clustering is done based on com-
mon features of email attributes. In the beginning,
each email is a cluster by itself and then clusters shar-
ing common features are merged. In this model, edges
connect two nodes (spam emails) based on the eleven
attributes. The desired clusters are the connected
components of this graph with the weight above a
specified threshold. This method suffers from not be-
ing useful for large data set. For each pair of spam
messages, it is needed to compare eleven attributes to
find the connectivity. This means pairwise compari-
son is required eleven times for each pair of messages.
The basic hypothesis in FP-Tree method (Calais et al.,
2008) for clustering spam emails is that some parts of
spam messages are static in the view of recognizing
a spam campaign. In this work as an improvement
of (Li and Hsieh, 2006), just URLs are not consid-
ered for clustering. For identifying spam campaigns,
Frequent Pattern Tree (FP-Tree) as a signature based
method, is constructed from some features extracted
from spam emails. These features are: language of
email, message layout, type of message, URL and
subject. In this tree, each node after root depicts a fea-
ture extracted from the spam message that is shared
by the sub-trees beneath. Thus, each path in this tree
shows sets of features that co-occur in messages, with
the property of non-increasing order of frequency of
occurrences. FP-Tree is not an incremental method,
i.e. when a new point is added to previous clustered
data points, the process of clustering needs to be run
from beginning. In their new method (Calais Guerra
et al., 2009) named incremental FP-Tree, the frequen-
cies are calculated when a new spam email is added.
The point is inserted in the tree according to features
it respects. The problem is that the properties of FP-
Tree may not maintain any more; i.e. a parent node
may become less frequent than its child. A set of op-
erations “join”, “division”, “division with join” and
“permutation” are suggested to reconstruct the tree
periodically. In this model, when a point is added a
traversal of the tree is required and then one of the
suggested operations is executed. The problem of FP-
Tree is that it is based on frequency of features rather
than creating pure clusters in terms of homogeneity.
The redundant features also are removed for speci-
fying a campaign according the frequency property,
while in our method redundant features are character-
ized based on purity or homogeneity of campaigns.
In summary, the previous works for clustering
spam emails mainly could be divided in two cate-
gories: First group focus on pairwise comparison of
each pair of emails, for example URL comparison,
and second group that in which a clustering algorithm
is used, for example O-means clustering. In general,
the aforementioned previous works suffer from one
of the following problems: 1) They consider one or
two features for grouping spam messages, which de-
creases the accuracy, 2) The pairwise comparison is
used, with quadratic time complexity, 3) The num-
ber of clusters is required as a former knowledge, 4)
The features which create a pure cluster, could not be
identified. In our proposed algorithm, we try to solve
these problems.
In this section we will present the Categorical Cluster-
ing Tree (CCTree) algorithm. The design goals that
motivates the CCTree algorithm can be summarized
as follows:
The clustering algorithm should produce an infor-
mative structure which could be expressed eas-
ily and understood even by people who have no
knowledge of the algorithm designs. This helps
to shape the structure of each cluster, and then to
infer the key factor of each cluster. For our prob-
lem, this helps shaping spam campaigns.
There is no former knowledge about the final or
desired number of clusters.
Redundant features for specifying a campaign are
The algorithm is robust and efficient even when
analyzing very large set of data.
Hierarchical clustering algorithms are informa-
tive, self explicative structure, do not require to spec-
ify beforehand the number of clusters, and are mostly
deterministic. Thus, it seems this category of cluster-
ing algorithms fulfills our goals.
The CCTree algorithm is hierarchical, thus, before
detailing it, we will briefly report some preliminary
notions on hierarchical clustering algorithms. Hierar-
chical clustering algorithms are divided into two cat-
Divisive Hierarchical Clustering: top-down ap-
proach, which starts at the root with all data points
and splits the tree. is more efficient compared
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering: is a bot-
tom up approach in which each observation starts
in its own cluster, and pairs of clusters are merged
as one moves up the hierarchy.
The divisive hierarchical clustering is more efficient
than agglomerative (Cimiano et al., 2004) because of
the lesser amount of needed comparisons. To be pre-
cise divisive clustering complexity is generally O(n
while agglomerative clustering is O(n
). Thus, we
propose a divisive hierarchical clustering algorithm
with an easily expressed structure.
In what follows, we present our proposed method-
ology named Categorical Clustering Tree (CCTree).
3.1 Categorical Clustering Tree
Construction (CCTree)
The general idea for constructing the proposed Cate-
gorical Clustering Tree (CCTree) comes from super-
vised learning algorithms known as Decision Trees
(Quinlan, 1986), (Quinlan, 1993).
To create the CCTree, a set of objects is given in
which each data point is described in terms of a set
of categorical attributes, e.g. the language of a mes-
sage. Each attribute represents the value of an im-
portant feature of data and is limited to assume a set
of discrete, mutually exclusive values, e.g. the Lan-
guage as an attribute can take its values or features
as English or French. Then, a tree is constructed in
which the leaves of the tree are the desired clusters,
while other nodes contain non pure data needing an
attribute-based test to separate them. The separation
is shown with a branch for each possible outcome of
the specific attribute values. Each branch or edge ex-
tracted from that parent node is labeled with the se-
lected value which directs data to the child node. The
attribute for which the Shannon entropy is maximum
is selected to divide the data based on it. A purity
function on a node, based on Shannon entropy, is de-
fined. Purity function represents how much the data
belonging to a node are homogeneous. A required
threshold of node purity is specified. When a node
purity is equal or greater than this threshold, the node
is labeled as a leaf or terminal node.
The precise process of CCTree construction can
be formalized as follows.
Input: Let D be a set of data points, containing N
tuples on a set A of d attributes and a set of stop
conditions S. These parameters are explained as
Attributes. A set of d attributes {A
, A
,. . .,A
is given, where each attribute is a set of mu-
tually exclusive values. Thus, the i
th attribute
could be written as A
= {v
,. . .,v
}, where
is the number of features of attribute A
For example A
could be the Language of spam
email, and the set of possible values is {english,
french, spanish, other}.
Data Points. A set D of N data points is given,
where each data is a vector whose elements
are the values of attributes, i.e. D
, v
, . . . , v
) where v
. For example
we have: spam 1 = (English, excel attachment,
image based).
Stop Conditions. A set of stop conditions S =
({M, ε}) is given where M is an upper bound
for the number of points in a node to be con-
sidered as a leaf, and ε represents the minimum
desired purity for each cluster. When a node
purity is greater than ε, it will be labeled as a
terminal node or leaf.
To calculate node purity or measuring how
much the data belonging to a node are homo-
geneous, the purity function is formally defined
as bellow.
In node i, the ratio of data respecting k
th value
of j
th attribute, N
k j
, divided by N
, the to-
tal number of data belonging to node i, is ex-
tracted, shown by p(v
k j
) =
k j
. Then the pu-
rity of node i, denoted by ρ(i), is equal to:
ρ(i) =
k j
k j
)) (1)
where d is the number of attributes describing
the elements and t
is the number of features of
th attribute.
Output: A set of clusters which are the leaves of
the categorical clustering tree.
To formally explain the process of creating the
tree, some definitions need to be introduced:
Distribution of Attribute Values. The distribution
of the values of attribute A
= {v
,. . .,v
} in
node i is equal to:
) = { p(v
), p(v
), . . . , p(v
Where p(v
k j
) =
k j
, N
k j
represents the number of
elements in node i having feature v
of attribute
, and N
is the number of elements of node i.
Shannon Entropy. In information theory, entropy is
a measure of the uncertainty of a random variable.
More specifically the Shannon entropy (Shannon,
2001), as a measure of uncertainty, for a random
variable X with k outcomes {x
, x
, . . . , x
} is de-
fined as follows:
H(X) = -
where p(x
) =
, N
is the number of outcomes
of x
, and N is total number of elements of X . The
amount of Shannon entropy is maximal when all
outcomes are equally likely.
Actually, Shannon entropy shows the purity or ho-
mogeneity of a set of data points.
We report in the following the process of creating
the CCTree:
At the beginning all data points, as the set of N
tuples, are assigned to the root of the tree. Root is
the first new node. The clustering process is applied
iteratively for each new created node.
For each new node of the tree, the algorithm
checks if the stop conditions are verified and if the
number of data points is less than a threshold M, or
the purity, defined in (1), is less than or equal to ε. In
this case, the node is labeled as a leaf, otherwise the
node should be split.
In order to find the best attribute to be used to di-
vide the data in a node, the Shannon entropy based on
the distribution of each attribute values is calculated.
The attribute for which the Shannon entropy is maxi-
mal is selected. The reason is that the attribute which
has the most equiprobable distribution of values, gen-
erates the highest amount of chaos (non homogeneity)
in a node. For each possible value of the selected at-
tribute, a branch is extracted from the node, with the
label of that value, directing the data respecting that
value to the corresponding child node. Then the pro-
cess is iterated until each node is either a parent node
or is labeled as a leaf. At the last step all final nodes or
leaves of the tree are the set of desired clusters, named
, . . . ,C
Figure 1 depicts an example of a small CCTree, whilst
a formal description of algorithm is given in Algo-
rithm 1.
Figure 1: A small Categorical Clustering Tree (CCTree).
Input: Input: Data points D
, Attributes A
Attribute Values V
node purity threshold, max num elem)
Output: Clusters C
Root node N
takes all data points D
for each node N
!=leaf node do
if node purity
< node purity threshold||
num elem
< max num elem then
Label N
as leaf;
for each attribute A
if A
yields max Shannon entropy
use A
to divide data of N
generate new nodes N
, . . . , N
with t = size of V for attribute
Algorithm 1: Categorical Clustering Tree (CCTree)
3.2 Application to Spam Emails
To apply the proposed methodology to spam emails,
a set of categorical features is extracted, which are
representatives of the email structure. A preliminary
list of extracted attributes is the following:
Language: The language in which the email is
Links Amount: Number of links found in the
email. Five ranges (1 to 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 20, 20
to 50, more than 50) are used as values for this
Email Size: The size of the raw email. Divided in
5 categories with the same rationale of the former
Number of Images: Number of images in the
body of spam messages, with same rational of the
former attribute.
HTML: boolean attribute. True if the email con-
tains html tags.
Number of Attachment: Number of attachments
is selected from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, more}.
Attachment Type: The attachment type is se-
lected from the set {pdf, excell, word, no attach-
ment, other}
The CCTree algorithm divides the emails in clusters
on the base of formerly described features. Imple-
mentation of the proposed algorithm for testing and
addition of other features will be object of future
The proposed structure-based methodology for clus-
tering spam emails into campaigns, while respects
the aforementioned requirements of our problem,
is linear in terms of complexity. This property
becomes more impressive when it is compared with
the complexity of previous works for grouping spam
emails into campaigns, which are mostly based on
pairwise comparison of spam messages, suffering
from quadratic time complexity.
Here, we briefly discuss the precise time com-
plexity of the proposed methodology. Let us consider
n as the number of the whole data set, n
the number
of elements in node i, m the total number of features,
the number of features of attribute A
, r the number
of attributes, and v
= max{v
For constructing a CCTree, it is needed to create
an n
× m matrix based on the data belonging to
each non leaf node i, which takes O (m × n
) time.
The time for finding the appropriate attribute for
dividing data based on it needs constant time. To
divide the n
points, based on the v
features of
selected attribute (A
), O(n
× v
) time is required.
This process is repeated in each non leaf node.
Thus, if K is the maximum number of non leaf
nodes, which arises in a complete tree, then the
maximum time required for constructing a CCTree
with n elements is equal to O (K ×(n ×m +n×v
Spam emails impose a cost which is non negligible,
damaging users and companies for several millions of
dollars each year. To fight spammers effectively, catch
them or analyze their behavior, it is not sufficient to
stop spam messages from being delivered to the final
Characterizing a spam campaign sent by a specific
spammer, instead, is necessary to analyze the spam-
mer behavior. Such an analysis can be used to tailor
a more specific prevention strategy which could be
more effective in tackling the issue of spam emails.
Considering a large set of spam emails as a whole,
makes the definition of spam campaigns an extremely
challenging task. Thus, we argue that a clustering al-
gorithm is required to group this huge amount of data,
based on message similarities.
In this paper we have proposed a new categorical
clustering algorithm named CCTree, that we argue to
be useful in the problem of clustering spam emails.
This algorithm, in fact, allows an easy analysis of data
based on an informative structure. The CCTree al-
gorithm introduces an easy-to-understand representa-
tion, where it is possible to infer at a first glance the
criteria used to group spam emails in clusters. This
information can be used, for example, by officers to
track and persecute a specific subset of spam emails,
which may be related to an important crime.
In this paper, we have mainly presented the theo-
retical results of our approach, leaving the implemen-
tation of the CCTree algorithm and its usage in clus-
tering spam emails as a future work. Furthermore,
we plan to extend the presented approach including
labeling of the various clusters. In fact, we plan to
use supervised learning approach to assign a label to
the various clusters, on the base of spammer goals.
Verifying both the efficiency and effectiveness of the
proposed approach on a large dataset has also been
planned as a future work. Though preliminary, in this
work we have shown that the algorithm is efficient,
due to the low complexity. Further extensions of this
work plan to add a large set of features to best de-
scribe the structure of spam emails, in addition to the
ones already presented in this work.
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