A Multi-stage Graph Approach for Efficient Clustering
in Self-Organized Wireless Sensor Networks
Abhishek Karpate and Hesham H. Ali
Department of Computer Science, College of Information Science and Technology
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182, U.S.A.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Self-Organized Networks, Graph Modeling, Clustering, Multi-Stage Graph
Algorithms, Energy-Aware Solutions.
Abstract: With the rapid increase in applications utilizing the current advancements of wireless sensor networks, a
number of problems related to self-organization, energy-awareness and network organizations have attracted
many researchers in the field. Various groups have proposed grouping the sensors into clusters and design
communication routes in two levels as a way to improve communication cost and better organize networks of
large sensors. In this paper, we propose a new approach to cluster wireless sensors and identify cluster heads
using multi-stage graph algorithms. The approach takes advantage of the optimally associated with finding
matching solutions in multi-stage graph networks. The proposed solution is designed to accommodate
networks with different sizes and levels of density. We tested the algorithm using different types of networks
and measure the quality of the key parameters as compared to those obtained by traditional greedy heuristics.
Obtained results show that the multi-stage graph approach produces better network organization and better
cluster head selection which leads to be more efficient self-organized networks.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) typically consist of
a large number of sensors; sensors are small wireless
devices having limited resources like energy,
processing speed and storage. With the recent
technology advances it is possible to produce small
and low cost sensors making it economically feasible
to deploy sensors in large numbers. Sensors measure
ambient conditions or measure certain environmental
parameters and report it to processing nodes. Instead
of each individual sensor being always active and
directly reporting to the processing node, the sensors
in the WSNs could be clustered in a way where
different sensors play different roles. Clustering
provides network scalability and network topology
stability in addition to possible energy saving
attributes. Due to the various schemes employed in
clustering, there is reduction in communication
overhead and interferences among the sensor nodes
(Karaki et al. 2004, Mhatre et al. 2004, Jiang et al.
There are various ways in which clustering
schemes can be classified. Clustering schemes are
categorized depending on what objective the cluster
intends to attain and what main algorithmic technique
it employs. This includes dominating-Set based
clustering, low-maintenance clustering, mobility-
aware clustering, energy-efficient clustering, load
balancing clustering, or combined based metrics
clustering (Yu and Chong 2005). The clustering
scheme has also been classified according to key cost
associated parameters like explicit control message
for clustering, ripple effect of re-clustering, stationary
assumption for cluster formation, constant
computation round and communication complexity
(Yu and Chong 2005). Clustering in networks also
depends on the type of network that is being
considered. An alternate way to classify clustering in
ad-hoc networks is based on the type of networks they
are used to cluster; single-hop or multi-hop, location
based or non-location based, synchronous or
asynchronous (depending on the network topology)
and stationary nodes or mobile nodes (Wei and Chan
2006). Clustering is performed on sensor networks
which are either homogeneous, where all the sensor
nodes are identical in built and functionality, or
heterogeneous, when the network consists of sensors
which differ from each other in built or functionality.
Both categories of networks have to deal with the
overhead of cluster construction process.
Karpate A. and Ali H..
A Multi-stage Graph Approach for Efficient Clustering in Self-Organized Wireless Sensor Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0005244700560062
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS-2015), pages 56-62
ISBN: 978-989-758-086-4
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this paper, we propose a new model for
distributed clustering in heterogeneous networks that
focuses on allocating sensors to cluster heads such
that the total communication cost for the entire
system is minimized. The suggested model also
provides flexibility by which the density of networks
and number of resource handling capacity of a device
can be significantly varied.
In a heterogeneous sensor network, self-organization
continues to be a prominent feature due to increase in
the complexity in managing the network as most of
the routing paths are dynamically decided. Several
models have been proposed to take energy awareness
into consideration (Chamam and Pierre 2009, Zhange et
al. 2007, Cardei et al. 2005). Using cluster heads in wireless
sensor networks has been utilized to coordinate the process
of collecting and reporting data. In such networks, there
exist many sensors that measure the ambient
conditions or collect various parameters and report
the information they have sensed to cluster heads. The
cluster heads, in turn, process the information it
receives from all the sensors and further report it to
the processing or sink nodes (Yu et al. 2011, Nayer
and Ali 2004, Nayer and Ali 2008). The model we
propose focuses on handling the problem of
clustering sensor nodes to the cluster heads and
further clustering heads to the sink nodes. The
operation of node clustering can be modelled by
graph clustering, which groups vertices of a graph
into clusters based on certain criteria. Graph
clustering can be broadly divided into two categories:
global clustering and local clustering (Yu et al. 2011,
Camilus et al 2008, Karpate and Ali 2011). The
difference between the two types of clustering being
that in global clustering every vertex on a graph is
allocated to a cluster and in local clustering only a
certain subset of vertices is allocated to a cluster.
Applications like WSNs usually use global
2.1 The Multi-Stage Graph Model
Multi-stage graphs are usually used in cases where
there is a connected graph optimization problem
having several stages with each stage contains a set of
nodes. The edges of the graph are used to connect
nodes in different stages. There are no edges between
nodes of the same stage or non-adjacent stage. The
entire WSN can be modelled by a multi-stage graph
having three stages as shown in Figure 1 where the
first stage of nodes represents the set of sensors, the
second stage represents the set of cluster heads and
the third stage represents the set of sink nodes. An
edge connects two nodes if that particular sensor (or
cluster head) can communicate with the particular
cluster head (or sink node). The weight on the edge
represents the distance between the two nodes. The
network can be represented by the multi-stage graph
as follows:
G = (N C S, E1 E2) where,
N Set of sensor nodes
C Set of cluster heads
S Set of sink nodes
E1 Set of edges connecting N and C
E2 Set of edges connecting C and S
Figure 1: Multi-stage graph representation of
Heterogeneous Sensor Network.
As shown in the figure, there are M1 sensor nodes,
M2 cluster head nodes and M3 sink nodes. There
exists an edge that connects n1 to c1, c2, c3 up to cM2
and all the edges have respective weights associated
with them representing the distance between the two
nodes. In the allocation process, the entire system is
considered and considering the maximum number of
sensors that can be allocated to a cluster head,
appropriate edges are shortlisted and accordingly
each sensor is allocated to some particular cluster
head. A network could have more than one sink node
depending on the size of the network; if the set of
cluster heads and sink nodes are considered
depending on the distance between a particular cluster
head and sink nodes, it is clustered with one of the
sink nodes.
The task of allocating a sensor to a cluster head and
allocating a cluster head to a sink node can be
translated to a maximum matching problem.
Maximum matching algorithm gives us an indepen-
Figure 2: Expanded graph with replicated nodes.
dent edge set with no common vertices such that the
combined weight of the edges selected is the
maximum possible for that graph. Our problem is to
find an optimal allocation of every resource in a stage
to a resource in the next stage. In terms of graph
theory, our problem can be termed as a minimum
matching problem that is a set of independent edges
where the combined weight is as minimum as
possible. Consider any stage of the multi-stage graph
like the first stage where the sensors report to cluster
heads. Assuming a cluster head can handle data from
t sensors. Replicate the set of cluster heads a number
of t times such that for every sensor, every cluster
head it was connected to is replicated t times. If we
implement the minimum-matching algorithm in this
case, we would have an optimal allocation of sensors
to cluster heads. This concept will become clearer
from the example in Figure 2, where t is given a value
of 2 in the example.
On applying the algorithm on the expanded
version, the set of independent edges selected based
on weights are (n2, c
1), (n3, c
2) and (n1, c
2). The
total cost of allocation is 15. The execution is
implemented as shown in algorithm 1 and algorithm2.
The expanded graph is created by Agorithm1 and
then is subjected to the proposed matching algorithm,
described in Algorithm2 to attain the most effective
The proposed algorithms help in finding the most
economical assignment of sensors to cluster head as a
whole and also the most economical assignment of
cluster heads to sink nodes. In terms of time
complexity, the main algorithm is based on finding
optimal matching in Bipartite graphs which is a fast
algorithm that is quadratic in the number of nodes.
To illustrate the performance of the proposed
algorithm, we have compared the outputs produced
by the algorithm with the outputs produced using a
robust/greedy graph approach. The greedy approach
has a decent track record for dealing with the
clustering problem. Using the greedy approach, at any
stage when two sets of nodes are considered, a
minimum weight edge is selected at each step. Both
the models take the following inputs: number of
sensors deployed, number of cluster heads deployed
and the number of sink nodes available. The quality
and hardware superiority of the networking device
deployed determines how much data and from how
many devices can it handle the data from.
For example the better the superiority of a cluster
head the more number of sensors can report to it. Both
the algorithms implemented permit the discussed
flexibility by taking the maximum number of sensors
a cluster head can handle and the maximum number
of cluster heads a sink node can handle. The impact
of the number of sensors deployed is also considered.
Better redundancy and coverage can be expected with
the increase in the number of sensors being deployed.
In the figures below, we use the term robust algorithm
to refer to the greedy approach and the combinatorial
Algorithm 1: Proposed Combinatorial Algorithm.
Algorithm 2: Graph expansion Algorithm
1. Start
2. Set markedUncoveredZero flag to false.
3. Create new zeros.
a. For each row, subtract its smallest element from all its elements.
b. For each column, subtract its smallest element from all its elements.
4. Assign lone zeros.
5. Consider the following cases:
a. If all the rows have been assigned.
i. Then stop.
ii. Display the allocation.
b. If the matrix is not fully covered.
i. Assign an uncovered zero.
ii. Set markedUncoveredZero flag to true.
iii. Go to step 4.
c. If the matrix is fully covered.
i. If markedUncoveredZero flag is false
1. Create new zeros by subtracting the value of the smallest uncovered cost from
all the uncovered costs.
2. Add the smallest uncovered value to all the double-covered costs.
3. Go back to step 4.
ii. Else
1. Mark all unassigned rows.
2. Mark all unmarked columns that have zero in the marked rows.
3. Mark all unmarked rows that have assignments in the marked columns.
4. Repeat 2 & 3 until no changes are observed.
5. Create new zeros by subtracting the value of the smallest uncovered cost from
all the uncovered costs.
6. Add the smallest uncovered value to all the double-covered costs.
7. Go back to step 4.
1. Start.
2. Randomly distribute the sensors, cluster heads and sink nodes in the area being
3. Generate two arrays
a. Array 1 representing the distance between sensor and cluster head with sensors
representing rows and cluster heads representing columns.
b. Array 2 representing the distance between cluster head and sink nodes with cluster
heads representing rows and sink nodes representing columns
4. If the number of rows is greater than the number of columns in any of the array.
a. Replicate the number of columns such that the required condition is satisfied.
b. Replace the original array with the modified array.
5. Apply algorithm 2 to the arrays.
Figure 3: Graphs representing the communication cost for
sensor - cluster head communication.
Figure 4: Graphs representing the communication cost for
cluster head - sink communication.
algorithm to refer to the multi-stage graph-matching
In our simulations there are three types of
networks – densely populated networks, moderately
populated networks and sparsely populated networks.
A network is dense if it has more than 50 sensors,
networks having sensors between 25 and 50 are
moderately populated networks and networks having
25 or less sensors are sparsely populated networks.
The cost of communication between any two
devices is directly proportional to the distance
between them. As the distance between the two
devices increases it is expected that the
communication cost between the two will increase.
The simulations are carried out assuming the cost of
communication is one unit for every one meter.
Sensors, Cluster heads and sink nodes are randomly
distributed on the area to be monitored. The proposed
algorithm is carried out on all types of network and
the results obtained. Figures 3 and 4 show the two
costs the network had to incur. Figure 3 compares the
communication cost between sensor and cluster head
for both the approaches for all the three networks
under similar conditions and Figure 4 does the same
for the communication cost between cluster heads and
sink nodes. To test the networks under different
conditions, the count of the number of cluster heads
and number of sink nodes is changed in different
cases. Case 1 has 20 cluster heads and 5 sink nodes
are deployed. Case 2 -10 cluster heads and 5 sink
nodes; case 3 – 5 cluster heads and 5 sink nodes; case
4 – 20 cluster heads and 2 sink nodes; case 5 – 10
cluster heads and 2 sink nodes and case 6 – 5 cluster
heads and 2 sink nodes are deployed.
From the above graphs, we can observe that in
most of the cases the proposed algorithm gives better
solutions as compared to the robust/greedy graph
approach. Another major advantage of the proposed
algorithm over the robust approach is that it does not
follow a greedy strategy by making choices based on
a global overview. The robust approach makes
choices that look the best at that moment. Although
most of the times the attained optimal solution by the
robust approach maybe at par with our proposed
solution, it could fail at critical conditions and hence
is not so reliable.
In this paper we propose a graph theoretic approach
to efficiently form a weight-based cluster formation
algorithm for wireless sensor networks. The network
is self-organized such that any particular sensor while
determining which cluster head to report not only
considers its physical distance from the available
cluster heads but also considers the receiving capacity
of the available cluster heads and the physical
distance of all other unallocated sensors from the
available cluster heads. The same approach is used
while determining which cluster head should report to
which sink node. In this attempt we manage to find
an allocation that consider the system as a whole and
provides gives energy-aware solutions. The
efficiency of the algorithm is measured by comparing
it with a robust graph approach, which is a greedy
approach for solving the problem. The efficiency of
the proposed combinatorial optimization algorithm is
better than that of the greedy algorithm in most of the
cases; it also avoids the local short-sighted issues that
are dealt with while using the greedy approach. One
of the disadvantages it has over the robust graph
approach is that it takes a longer time to process the
best allocation of resources. The graph theoretic
model can be further enhanced to increase the level of
redundancy by deciding how many resources can a
particular resource report to, this feature is very useful
when the area being monitored is of high priority and
if due to certain factors, some signals or data is lost it
can be retrieved from an alternate source.
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