Fast Regularized Least Squares and k-means Clustering Method for
Intrusion Detection Systems
Parisa Movahedi, Paavo Nevalainen, Markus Viljanen and Tapio Pahikkala
Dept. of Information Tech., University of Turku, FI-20014, Turku, Finland
Intrusion Detection, k-means Clustering, Regularized Least Squares, Kernel Approximation.
Intrusion detection systems are intended for reliable, accurate and efficient detection of attacks in a large
networked system. Machine learning methods have shown promising results in terms of accuracy but one dis-
advantage they share is the high computational cost of training and prediction phase when applied to intrusion
detection. Recently some methods have been introduced to increase this efficiency. Kernel based methods
are one of the most popular methods in the literature, and extending them with approximation techniques we
describe in this paper has a huge impact on minimizing the computational time of the Intrusion Detection
System (IDS).
This paper proposes using optimized Regularized Least Square (RLS) classification combined with k-means
clustering. Standard techniques are used in choosing the optimal RLS predictor parameters. The optimization
leads to fewer basis vectors which improves the prediction speed of the IDS. Our algorithm evaluated on the
KDD99 benchmark IDS dataset demonstrates considerable improvements in the training and prediction times
of the intrusion detection while maintaining the accuracy.
In recent years, attack detection has gained tremen-
dous attention. Internet and devices connected to it
have resulted in more network traffic and confidential
information moving around. Utilizing accurate, but
also efficient, detection methods is therefore essential.
Especially, when using Machine Learning classifiers,
the prediction step has to be as efficient as possible.
Anomaly detection is one of the most common ma-
chine learning tasks in this respect. It can be viewed
as a classification problem distinguishing abnormal
from normal traffic based on the feature characteris-
tics of the traffic flow.
Techniques such as clustering and artificial neu-
ral networks (ANN) (Portnoy et al., 2001), kernel
based methods (Kim and Kim, 2005b), genetic algo-
rithms (Li, 2004), fuzzy logic (Kaur and Gill, 2013)
and many others have been applied to IDS.
Support vector machine (SVM) (Vapnik, 1995) is
one of the most popular kernel based machine learn-
ing techniques (Sch
olkopf and Smola, 2002) used in
classification problems. It has been applied to in-
trusion detection problems (Sung and Mukkamala,
2003; Li et al., 2003) as well. Kernel based methods
enable solving nonlinear problems by mapping the in-
put space to a feature space in which the data is sepa-
rated by a hyperplane. The kernel function implicitly
defines the feature space by calculating an inner prod-
uct of two given inputs.
In (Kim and Kim, 2005a), SVM is used for attack
classification in intrusion detection systems. (Sotiris
et al., 2010) have used one-class SVM technique for
anomaly detection to a normal class and attack class
of data. One drawback of SVM based methods are
that SVM training requires solving a convex quadratic
programming which has a steeply increasing comput-
ing cost as a function of the size of the training data.
One alternative to the quadratic programming
based SVM is the regularized least squares algorithm
(RLS or LS-SVM). In (Rifkin et al., 2003), RLS
binary classifier is used to minimize the regularized
square loss. The advantage over the well established
SVM is that RLS training requires constructing and
solving a single system of linear equations instead of
solving a convex quadratic problem required by SVM.
RLS and SVM both seek a Tikhonov regularized so-
lution from the representing kernel Hilbert space, but
they have different loss functions. The methods have
comparable accuracy (Poggio and Girosi, 1990).
Our efficiency focused approach is closely related
to two previous studies. In (Gao and Wang, 2006),
Movahedi P., Nevalainen P., Viljanen M. and Pahikkala T..
Fast Regularized Least Squares and k-means Clustering Method for Intrusion Detection Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0005246802640269
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2015), pages 264-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-077-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
LS-SVM based intrusion detection system utilizes
kernel approximation and greedy search. We will
compare our results to their method in terms of accu-
racy and computational complexity. We also compare
to the latest work of (Kabir, 2014), which uses op-
timum allocation based LS-SVM. They have a two-
step approach: first phase is an optimum allocation
scheme to determine the sufficient amount of training
data which is representative of the whole data set. The
second phase then applies LS-SVM on this smaller
training set.
Our approach has two steps, those steps are:
1. k-means clustering algorithm on the training
dataset to get optimized base vectors suitable for
classification to each attack type.
2. A kernel approximation method to minimize the
kernel space computation and fast parameter se-
lection methods.
Both steps introduce one new parameter for the pre-
diction performance optimization search. New pa-
rameters are k and M, the k-means cluster number and
the size of the approximation base. This arrangement
has a huge impact on training and prediction time of
our the intrusion detection algorithm.
This paper is organized as follows. The RLS al-
gorithm, kernel approximation method and optimized
cross validation method (Pahikkala et al., 2012) are
outlined in Ch. 2. The implementation is built around
RLSCore package
. We also present the intrusion de-
tection system based on RLS and k-means clustering
in Ch. 2. Ch. 3 contains experiments on the KDD99
intrusion detection data set and comparisons to other
IDS systems. The last section presents the conclusion
from the experiments.
2.1 Regularized Least Squares
Given a training set {(x
, y
), ....., (x
, y
)}, where the
feature vector x
and the class labels y
, y
) are independent identically distributed (iid)
samples. The RLS formulation is to find c
such that:
= arg min
ky Kck
+ λc
Kc (1)
where c = {c
are the weights, y = {y
the labels, λ is the regularization parameter and K =
, x
i, jN
is the kernel matrix. In this paper we
use a Gaussian kernel function:
, x) = exp
2.2 Kernel Approximation
RLS approach requires O(n
) memory space for K
matrix and O(n
) time complexity for solving the
corresponding matrix equation. The steeply increas-
ing computational costs can be overcome by using
an approximation of the kernel space where only a
subset of basis vectors are used. This avoids stor-
ing the entire kernel matrix in the memory and de-
creases the time complexity. We use the Nystr
om ker-
nel approximation method used in Regularized Least
Squares Classification (Rifkin et al., 2003), (Airola
et al., 2011).
The training set X
= {x
|i R N} is made small
enough to gain computational advantage over the non-
sparse RLS, i.e. | R || N |, while seeking to not give
up too much prediction performance. Denote the full
data set and the new reduced training set by the corre-
sponding index sets N and R. The training points X
are explicit and omitted points X
will be approx-
imated as a linear combination of the points in X
om approximation
K K of the kernel matrix
is defined as
K = K
where K
= {K
i j
iN, jR
. Similar set indexing
scheme for matrices is employed in the following text.
Now instead of explicitly constructing the approx-
imation kernel
K we are able to calculate its Cholesky
decomposition matrix
C = K
The cost of calculating C
is O(|R|
) and the mem-
ory complexity is O(n|R|). The cost of the matrix
multiplication equals O(n|R|
) which scales consider-
ably better than straight-forward decomposition of the
kernel matrix. (Airola et al., 2011) uses the Cholesky
decomposition of K
having K
= CC
. For com-
prehensive overview see (Airola et al., 2011). Sim-
ilar advantage carries on to prediction computation,
which can be formulated as:
˜y =
i R
K(x, x
) (5)
where weights b
are solved once for the whole com-
putation (see the actual derivation from (Rifkin et al.,
2003)) leading to O(|R|) complexity.
2.3 k-means Clustering
One of the important tasks in kernel approximation is
the selection of basis vectors i.e. the subset R because
that selection has a direct impact on how well
K ap-
proximates K. There are various methods for choos-
ing the basis vectors such as k-means clustering and
uniform sampling.
One of the widely used and simple flat clustering
algorithms is the k-means algorithm (Hartigan, 1975).
The algorithm divides the input set to k different clus-
ters in an iterative manner. The first iteration begins
with k randomly selected cluster center candidates
, which form a set M = {m
}, i = 1...k, which
is one parameter of the minimization process. Each
point gets assigned to the closest center candidate, and
at each iteration the center candidates are updated to
the new mean of the assigned points. These iterations
are repeated until the algorithm converges.
The k-means clustering algorithm also minimizes
the following within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS)
with given k:
= argmin
We seek to extract cluster centroids M to represent
the cluster entities. Therefore, defined by this mea-
sure, the k-means algorithm finds the best possible
extracted cluster centroids. This makes the algorithm
a safe way to find the reduced kernel set R. Reduced
sets of different sizes can be obtained by simply vary-
ing k.
2.4 Proposed Framework
Our proposed framework consist of four main stages,
see Fig. 1:
Pre-processing of the data. This includes normal-
ization and rejection of invalid entries.
k-means clustering method Eq. (6) is used to par-
tition the data to k clusters (centroids). The search
Figure 1: The Proposed IDS Framework.
of best k value is completely automated, we have
used the range 20 k 100.
Predictor is constructed based on RLS formu-
lation Eq. (1), using the Gaussian kernel func-
tion (2). The optimal parameters λ and σ (regu-
larization and Gaussian scale) are found using fast
cross-validation (Pahikkala et al., 2012).
Testing performance with the test data set.
The stage two provides the centroids which serve
as the basis vectors for our approximated kernel func-
tion in the RLS learner. Centroids represent the aver-
age characteristics of the group of data points and the
approximated kernel function is based on them. They
do not co-inside with the data (they do not have la-
bels, for example). The RLS algorithm is modified to
take this into account.
The fast cross-validation method in stage three has
) time complexity for the entire leave-one-out
cross-validation scheme. This makes it cheaper to
scan through the RLS parameter space. Basis vec-
tors and the obtained fixed kernel parameters together
form the predictor. The approximated kernel is pre-
sented in Eqs. (3) and (4).
We now present the experiments conducted to eval-
uate the training time and detection accuracy. The
main objective of this study is to enhance the pre-
diction time of the IDS. To be able to compare our
method with other IDS methods we have chosen to
use the KDD99
. benchmark data set which is a data
set derived out of the 1998 DARPA intrusion detec-
tion dataset presented by MIT’s Lincoln Lab.
KDD99 consists of five million training data in-
stances and about two million test data instances of
network flow traffic. We use the 10% of KDD la-
beled data, totaling 494021 training data points and
311029 test data points. Each instance of data rep-
resents a well established IP connection between two
hosts, containing 41 different categorical or numeri-
cal attributes of that connection. Training data set in-
cludes 24 different attack types which can be further
categorized to 4 main categories.
These main attack categories are: Denial of ser-
vice attack (DoS), Prob attack, User To Root attack
(U2R) and Remote to Local attack types (R2L). In-
cluding the normal state as a category (NORMAL),
this sums up to 5 different categories.
We compare our method with the method pro-
posed in the work of (Kabir, 2014) and (Gao and
Wang, 2006). For this purpose we had to make two
different subsets of KDD99 to make the environment
comparable to each of their methods.
The data has attack type feature, which has cat-
egorical values: NORMAL, DOS, Probe, U2R and
R2L. To correctly reflect the arrangements of (Kabir,
2014), the data was partitioned into four different data
sets D1,..,D4, each containing instances of normal
data and one type of attack data. For example the
D1 data set consists of normal and DoS instances. To
make our data compatible with RLS classifier we have
converted the categorical data into numerical data and
normalized all the samples to have unit norm. Since
the kernel approximation parameters are different for
each combination of the four classes of attacks, in this
paper we have constructed four different predictors,
one for each of these attack classes.
Our Environment consists of Python 2.7, 3.8 G
RAM, Dual Core Dell Processor, CPU 2.26 GHz. We
run the program 10 times with different train subsets
and report average results of the RLS learner. We
give Precision, Recall and F-value results of Fast
k-means RLS algorithm, and the training and testing
times of our method.
3.1 First Experiment
In this Section we will compare our Fast KM-RLS
method to the other two methods of intrusion detec-
tion. First is the Layered approach using Conditional
Random Fields presented by (Gupta et al., 2010) and
second is the OA-LS-SVM IDS frame work presented
by (Kabir, 2014). We chose the training and testing
partitions similar to theirs to make the results compa-
rable. We focus on improving the IDS prediction time
therefore all comparisons are mainly based on predic-
tion time needed for classifying each traffic instance.
3.1.1 D1: DoS Attack vs Normal Traffic
For the training phase we chose 9,000 random nor-
mal traffic instances and 9,000 DoS attack instances
from the KDD99 train data set. We tested the learner
on 5,000 of normal and 6,000 of DoS instances from
KDD99 test data set. Optimal results for our KM-
RLS were obtained by λ = 4 and σ = 5 using k = 30
cluster centroids. Table 1 demonstrates the results of
our algorithm compared to Kabir’s and Guptal’s re-
sults. Test time of Fast KM-RLS for 11,000 instances
is 0.12 seconds and for an instance it is 0.009 millisec-
onds which is much faster prediction rate than the two
methods provide.
Table 1: DoS attack detection, Comparison of KM-RLS,
Kabir’s OA-LS-SVM and Gupta’s CRF method.
Method Precision Recall Fscore
Train Time
Test Time
Per Instance
99.84 97.67 98.74 169.23 0.009
99.86 97.31 98.56 79.36 0.4
99.78 97.05 98.10 256.11 0.05
3.1.2 D2: Prob Attack Vs Normal Traffic
For the training phase we chose 9,000 random nor-
mal traffic instances and 2,000 Prob attack instances
from the whole KDD99 train data set. We tested the
learner on 5,000 normal and 3,000 Prob instance of
the KDD99 test data set Table 2. Test time of 8,000
instance of traffic is 0.17 seconds and for one instance
it is 0.01 milliseconds. Optimal detection for Prob at-
tack was obtained by λ = 1 and σ = 3, using 80
cluster centroids. This achieved 99.73 percent accu-
racy on the training set.
Table 2: Prob attack detection.
Method Precision Recall Fscore
Train Time
Test Time
Per Instance
98.11 95.80 96.94 517.52 0.01
97.64 90.89 94.14 22.49 0.2
82.53 88.06 85.21 200.6 0.03
3.1.3 D3: R2L Attack Vs Normal Traffic
For the training phase we chose 1,000 random normal
traffic instances and all 1,126 R2L attack instances
from the whole KDD99 train data set. We tested the
learner on 10,000 normal and 8,000 R2L instances of
the KDD99 test data set Table 3. The test time of
18,000 instances of traffic is 0.14 seconds and for one
instance it is 0.008 milliseconds. Optimal detection
for the R2L attack is obtained by λ = 8 and σ = 15,
using 30 cluster centroids for the basis vectors.
Table 3: R2L attack detection.
Method Precision Recall Fscore
Train Time
Test Time
Per Instance
73.81 97.86 84.15 30.65 0.008
83.45 71.48 76.93 3.40 0.1
92.35 15.10 25.94 23.40 0.09
3.1.4 D4: U2R Attack Vs Normal Traffic
For the training phase we chose 1000 random normal
traffic instances and 52 U2R attack instances from the
whole KDD99 train data set. We tested the learner on
5,000 normal and all the U2R instances of the KDD99
test data set Table 4. Test time of 5,078 instances
is 0.09 seconds and for one instance it is 0.07 mil-
liseconds. Optimal detection for the U2R attack is
obtained by λ = 2 and σ = 2, using 70 cluster’s cen-
troids for the basis vectors.
Table 4: U2R attack detection.
Method Precision Recall Fscore
Train Time
Test Time
Per Instance
88.83 22.45 37.09 9.40 0.007
95.04 38.24 54.51 11.68 0.2
52.16 55.02 53.44 8.35 0.05
Our algorithm shows considerable improvements
in the prediction time of a test point, making the In-
trusion Detection system closer to real time detection.
It maintained the high accuracy in detection of DoS,
Prob and R2L attack, see Table 2. The U2R attack
(Table 4) has also considerably better detection time
but the accuracy is not as good as the other two meth-
3.2 Second Experiment
Gao presented the kernel approximation method
for LS-SVM (Gao and Wang, 2006), an algorithm
similar to our approach but with a different method
of choosing the basis vectors and kernel parameters.
We will use their choice of data set from KDD99 in
order to compare our prediction time to theirs.
First we combined all the KDD99 training and test
data sets and then chose 2,500 random DoS attacks
and 2,500 normal traffic cases as the set D1, 2,500
Prob attack and 2,500 normal cases as the set D2,
and 2500 instances of both R2L and U2R attacks with
2,500 normal data points as the set D3. We used 40%
of the data for training and 60% for testing the RLS.
The result of using our method and Gao’s method are
presented in Tables 5, 6 and 7.
Our approach is an order of magnitude faster in
both training and testing times of the IDS. The accu-
racy stays comparable to the other IDS methods. We
have come very close to a real time detection system.
Table 5: DoS attack detection, Comparison of KM-RLS,
Gao’s KSA-SVM and LS-SVM.
Test Time
Per Instance
30 98.6 0.3 5.01 0.003
KSA-SVM 46 98.5 0.4 8160 0.04
LS-SVM 600 55.02 53.44 1320 5.5
Table 6: Prob attack detection.
Test Time
Per Instance
30 96.9 0.4 6.02 0.006
KSA-SVM 58 98.8 0.3 13044 0.05
LS-SVM 600 82.5 3.8 2040 8.21
Table 7: U2R and R2L attack detection.
Test Time
Per Instance
50 93.3 10.9 8.04 0.006
KSA-SVM 83 94.6 10.5 13044 0.08
LS-SVM 400 90.8 11.3 2040 2.613
To address the problem of efficiency in networked
intrusion detection systems caused by the massive
amount of data needed to be processed and classified,
we have proposed a Fast Regularized Least Squares
algorithm combined with k-means clustering. This
enables us to choose optimized basis vectors to con-
struct an approximated kernel function. We have
combined this with fast cross validation techniques
to select best kernel parameters in a reasonable time.
Having optimized basis vectors result in a smaller
comparison matrix and better detection time of each
instance while maintaining accuracy.
This paper demonstrates that the detection time
can be improved signicantly using existing algorithms
applied already in other Machine Learning fields.
Benchmarking on the KDD99 network attack data
shows highly significant improvements in this regard.
The problem complexity is affected by approximated
kernel and by feature selection, both reduce the size
of the problem independently.
In the future we will experiment with different fea-
ture selection methods to choose best traffic feature
set representing each attack type. The used fast KM-
RLS method allows efficient feature selection. This
will keep the training time competitive while making
the prediction phase even more efficient.
We like to thank for anonymous referees for the in-
sightful comments.
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