their neighborhood. Thus, beads with a small in-
tensity may be overilluminated by a strong effect
from their neighborhood (Figure 1).
• Errors in the process of bead localization on the
microarray. They are typical for all beads, but
larger for beads with a lower expression level.
• Errors in the process of bead type identification.
• Urealistic assumption that the expressions of each
gene have the same variability.
• Poisson distribution is more adequate for model-
ing the noise because the measured fluorescence
intensities actually correspond to counts of indi-
vidual photons.
• Sensitivity to discretization of coordinates. The
result is highly influenced by fractional coordi-
nates of the bead, because the assumption of lin-
earity of the intensities of the image between
neighboring pixels is strongly violated.
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Foundation for Supporting Science. The work of
A. Schlenker was also supported by the specific re-
search project 260034 (Semantic Interoperability in
Biomedicine and Health Care) of Charles University
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