relation coefficient tends to be lower than the correla-
tion between MRI and accuracy. Figures 2 and 3 show
that there is actually only one outlier dataset, namely
the Ring dataset, for which we provide further discus-
The choice of ρ, the average percent of samples
embodied by the probe with greatest size, slightly in-
fluences the performance of the MRI. The reported ta-
bles show that the optimal choice is ρ = 0.05. Greater
values of ρ decrease the performance of the MRI
for ranking purposes. However, this phenomenon is
largely expected, as increasing values of ρ force the
algorithm to concentrate on greater hyper spheres,
gradually shadowing its ability of performing a local
In this work, a method for partitioning datasets into
regions of different classification complexity has been
proposed. The method relies on a specific metric,
called MRI, which is typically used for clustering the
elements of a dataset into three regions of increasing
classification complexity, thus separating the “easy”
part of the data from the “hard” part (possibly due to
noise). Increasing the number of clusters up to five
does not decrease the ranking capacity of the MRI,
except for particular datasets and only when com-
pared with F-Score or Matthews’ correlation coeffi-
cient. Moreover, the proposed method proved to be
stable and effective for the majority of experiments
and parameter settings.
Further work on the MRI will be carried out along
both theoretical and experimental directions. Studies
on statistical significance of MRI estimates may help
to discover a lower bound on the optimal number of
clusters to be used for splitting a dataset. We are also
planning to substitute the imbalance estimation func-
tion with a local correlation estimation, aimed at sep-
arating linearly separable areas (which are typically
easy to classify), from noisy areas, as these two would
have the same imbalance but different local correla-
tion indexes.
Emanuele Tamponi gratefully acknowledges Sardinia
Regional Government for the financial support of his
PhD scholarship (P.O.R. Sardegna F.S.E. Operational
Programme of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia,
European Social Fund 2007-2013 - Axis IV Human
Resources, Objective l.3, Line of Activity l.3.1.).
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