the instantaneous consumption power and production
power are constant.
S. Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2008) propose an en-
ergy aware dynamic voltage and frequency selection
algorithm, called EA-DVFS, for periodic tasks. The
purpose of EA-DVFS is to efficiently use the slack
to reduce the deadline miss rate. Processors must
select between running with maximum power or re-
duced power based on the available energy. If the
system has sufficient energy, the task is executed at its
full speed; otherwise, it is stretched and executed at a
lower speed. In case of low workload, EA-DVFS al-
gorithm reduces deadline miss rate by 50% compared
to LSA and decreases the minimum storage size by
25% when the deadline miss rate is zero. The advan-
tage of EA-DVFS is that it reduces the deadline miss
rate and storage capacity in case of low overload.
Later in (Liu et al., 2012), Liu et al. presented a
harvesting-awareDVFS (HA-DVFS) algorithm to im-
prove the system performance by fully exploiting the
task slack under timing and energy constraints. HA-
DVFS utilizes adaptive scheduling techniques com-
bined with dynamic voltage and frequency selection
to reduce the deadline miss rate when compared to
In this paper we have described an integrated frame-
work for deadline constrained job scheduling, dy-
namic power management and voltage/frequency se-
lection in real-time energy harvesting systems. The
scheduler is a dynamic priority driven one that uses
the Earliest Deadline First rule. The dynamic power
management policy consists in checking the energy
feasibility through computation of the so-called slack
energy. This is to verify that deadlines will be met
while guaranteeing no energy starvation; And the
voltage/frequency selection policy slowdowns task
execution whenever the system has slack time.
We are now conducting an experimental study in
order to compare the EDeg-fs and EDeg algorithms.
We want to evaluate (in comparison to EDeg) how
much EDeg-fs permits to increase the resulting Qual-
ity of Service i.e. the deadline success ratio. More-
over, it could be interesting to show the improvement
of EDeg-fs over EDeg regarding the minimum energy
storage capacity requirement to achieve zero deadline
miss ratio.
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