Assessment of Dendritic Cell Therapy Effectiveness Based on the Feature
Extraction from Scientific Publications
Alexey Yu. Lupatov
, Alexander I. Panov
, Roman E. Suvorov
, Alexander V. Shvets
Konstantin N. Yarygin
and Galina D. Volkova
Orekhovich Institute of Biomedical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Institute for Systems Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Moscow State University of Technology “Stankin”, Moscow, Russia
Dendritic Cells, Anticancer Vaccine, Cell Therapy, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining, Text Mining,
JSM-method, Genetic Algorithm, AQ-method.
Dendritic cells (DCs) vaccination is a promising way to contend cancer metastases especially in the case of
immunogenic tumors. Unfortunately, it is only rarely possible to achieve a satisfactory clinical outcome in
the majority of patients treated with a particular DC vaccine. Apparently, DC vaccination can be successful
with certain combinations of features of the tumor and patients immune system that are not yet fully revealed.
Difficulty in predicting the results of the therapy and high price of preparation of individual vaccines prevent
wider use of DC vaccines in medical practice. Here we propose an approach aimed to uncover correlation
between the effectiveness of specific DC vaccine types and personal characteristics of patients to increase
efficiency of cancer treatment and reduce prices. To accomplish this, we suggest two-step analysis of published
clinical trials results for DCs vaccines: rst, the information extraction subsystem is trained, and, second, the
extracted data is analyzed using JSM and AQ methodology.
Usually cancer patients are treated by radical re-
moval of the tumor, radiotherapy or cytotoxic drugs.
However, after surgical procedure many patients have
a relapse because some cancer cells persist in the
body. Use of radio- and chemotherapy does not al-
ways give the desired result. Efficacy of radiother-
apy is restricted by the type of tumor and its location.
Chemotherapy is often too toxic for the patient. Be-
sides, the resistance of cancer cells to cytotoxic drugs
can significantly increase in the course of chemother-
apy. Consequently, despite extended treatment, re-
lapses of the disease, including distant metastases are
quite common. Thus, it is important to further de-
velop methods to prevent tumor relapses.
Immunotherapy plays increasingly important role
in cancer care. There are numerous data confirming
its efficiency. Use of cell vaccines based on dendritic
cells (DCs) is one of the most promising methods
of anti-cancer immunotherapy (Shortman and Caux,
1997). DCs are the main type of the antigen pre-
senting cells. They incorporate, process and exhibit
the antigen on their surface membrane in the lym-
phocytes recognizable form. After that the lympho-
cytes become able to attack tumor cells. Monocytes
(Zhou and Tedder, 1996) or hematopoietic stem cells
(Welzen-Coppens et al., 2012) isolated from blood or
bone marrow of the patient are used as starting mate-
rial for DC vaccine preparation. These cells are cul-
tured with cytokines to differentiate into DCs. DCs
undergo maturation induced by loading with tumor
antigens and are administered to the patients to stimu-
late cellular immune response against the tumor. Pro-
teins extracted from surgically removed tumors, syn-
thetic peptides or recombinant proteins can be used
as tumor antigens for loading into DCs (Yannelli and
Wroblewski, 2004). Hybrids obtained by fusion of
DCs and tumor cells (dendritomas) may be used as a
vaccine as well (Wei et al., 2006).
The necessity to isolate and process each patients
own cells in vitro makes DC vaccines quite expensive
and hard to standardize. It also makes it difficult to
analyze the effectiveness of vaccination, because its
efficacy is influenced by each patients individual fea-
tures. It is thus essential to reveal patients characteris-
tics critical for the success of vaccine application and
to categorize the patients accordingly. Here we sug-
Yu. Lupatov A., I. Panov A., E. Suvorov R., V. Shvets A., N. Yarygin K. and D. Volkova G..
Assessment of Dendritic Cell Therapy Effectiveness Based on the Feature Extraction from Scientific Publications.
DOI: 10.5220/0005248802700276
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2015), pages 270-276
ISBN: 978-989-758-077-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
gest to solve this problem by extracting numerical and
symbolic information from available sources includ-
ing journal articles, theses, patients hospital records
and clinical trial reports describing the use of DC vac-
cines and its analysis by machine learning methods.
Most published studies assessing the efficacy of DC-
based vaccination are focused on one type of vaccine
and one tumor form. It is true even for publications
reviewing meta-analysis data.
There is quite an informative publication analyz-
ing clinical trials of DC vaccines giving a systematic
review and meta-analysis of clinical studies of 17 vac-
cines against prostate cancer and 12 vaccines against
renal cancer (906 patients all together) (Draube et al.,
2011). Such factors as the type of DCs used, anti-
gen loading method, administration route, dose, adju-
vants, toxicity and clinical response were evaluated.
Additional parameters considered were patients age,
sex, stage of disease, previous and concomitant treat-
ment. Unfortunately, this paper summarizes only the
results of using DC vaccines to treat two types of uro-
logical neoplasms.
Some papers analyze the dependence of the DC
vaccines effect from the initial selection criteria ap-
plied to patient selection (Figdor et al., 2004; Murthy
et al., 2009). Those criteria can include age, sex, stage
of the cancer process, method of therapy, comorbidi-
ties, biochemical and hematological parameters of the
blood, etc. Unfortunately, some selection criteria for
a particular study look subjective and are not reason-
ably explained by the authors.
There are studies devoted to the information re-
trieval from medical texts (Aggarwal and Zhai, 2012)
dealing with named entities extraction (drugs, dis-
eases, etc.); finding of the connection between entities
(genes and diseases, protein interactions, etc.); extrac-
tion of the correlation between time and cause. For
text processing methods of syntactic, semantic and
discourse analysis, co-reference resolution (Aggarwal
and Zhai, 2012; Gaizauskas et al., 2003) are used, as
well as regular expressions; contextual rules and tem-
plates compiled manually; classifiers (support vector
machines, etc.). Currently, Deep Learning (Collobert
et al., 2011) develops rapidly. Multilayer neural net-
works are the main tool for text analysis.
As pointed out above, it is important to separate pa-
tients into groups according to their characteristics es-
sential for the vaccination success. It is obvious that
the group formation should take into account nosol-
ogy, because different malignant tumors have differ-
ent degree of immunogenicity and different sensitiv-
ity to immunotherapy. The disadvantage of this ap-
proach is lack of data for some tumors. To avoid
loss of data, we propose to use a two-level method
for group forming. At the bottom level the classifica-
tion into groups is based on the type of disease, for
example “colorectal adenocarcinoma”, “prostate can-
cer”, “glioblastoma”. At the top level malignant tu-
mors are divided into ve groups according to their
origin and pathogenesis. Group I “carcinoma and
melanoma includes tumors originating from epithe-
lium or skin pigment cells. Group II “sarcoma”
embraces tumors from solid tissues such as osteosar-
coma, rhabdomyosarcoma, etc. Malignant tumors
originating from neural tissue such as neuroblastoma,
glioblastoma and others constitute group III. Group
IV “hematological malignancies and solid tumors of
the immune system” is represented by the diseases of
hematopoietic and immune system such as leukemia,
lymphoma, thymoma, etc. Group V includes tumors
whose origin, etiology or pathogenesis differ signifi-
cantly from the others.
Evaluation of the impact of DC vaccine prepara-
tion procedures demonstrated that there is at least one
vaccine characteristic that might significantly affect
the results of immunotherapy. This is DC vaccine va-
lency, i. e. the number of antigenic determinants the
vaccine was designed against. DC vaccine valency is
determined by the substance that is loaded as antigen
during vaccine preparation.
For the purposes of this study, we chose the
clinical trials registry (
and information related to biomedicine retrieval
line) as Internet sources of information about the re-
sults of clinical studies on the use of DC vaccines
against cancer. These resources cover most of the data
required worldwide.
We used keywords and word combinations “can-
cer”, “tumor” and “dendritic cells” to retrieve the nec-
essary data. When using Medline the restriction “clin-
ical trial” was inputted. Sources of results of clinical
trials were chosen with the help of text analysis. Data
of randomized and other types of studies, regardless
of their phase, were collected. Only studies with at
least three participants with one of tumor types men-
tioned above were taken. Studies applying allogeneic
or other types of non-autologous DCs were excluded.
Analysis of the registry of clinical trials revealed
387 registered trials of cancer treatment methods us-
ing DC vaccines. Unfortunately, only 20 of them pro-
vided information about the end results. The Med-
line search system produced 587 relevant sources of
data related to malignancies treatment using DC vac-
cines. Of those 310 papers refered to the treatment
of the first group tumors (carcinoma 148, melanoma
162); 17 articles described the treatment of the second
group tumors (sarcomas); 38 articles were devoted to
the treatment of brain tumors (III group); 103 articles
concerned hematopoietic and immune system tumors
(IV group) and two articles were about vaccination of
patients with the V group tumors.
Besides general individual characteristics of the
patient such as gender, age, race, that can always be
found in the records of clinical studies, the charac-
teristics of the tumor process and immunological sta-
tus of the patient are of great interest. Conventional
nomenclatures such as the International clinical clas-
sification of tumors by TNM (American Joint Com-
mittee on Cancer) allow characterizing the process
of tumor development only within a nosological unit
which it is not appropriate for this study. Therefore,
we devised our own classification of tumor progres-
sion stages. The first stage is the absence of detectable
tumor site. This stage is seen in patients who under-
went radical surgery and were assigned immunother-
apy using DCs vaccine to prevent relapse. The sec-
ond stage is seen in patients with a primary tumor
which can be combined with a limited numberof local
metastases. The third stage is a generalized neoplastic
process with multiple distant metastases.
We ranked the immune status as “positive” and
“negative”. “Positive” immune status corresponds to
the patient with the evidence of cell immune response.
“Negative” immune status is characterized by nega-
tive immunoregulation such as increased number of
regulatory T-cells or expression of immunosuppres-
sive cytokines.
To evaluate the results of DC vaccine application
it is necessary to formulate criteria of successful treat-
ment. We concluded that the lifetime increase com-
pared to a median of patient survival time without DC
vaccine application, can be a valid criterion. This is
the only possible criterion for the patients with the
first-stage tumor (without visible tumor). Moreover,
it allows not only qualitative, but also quantitative es-
timation of treatment efficacy. Unfortunately, the ap-
plication of this criterion implies long-term follow-up
of vaccinated patients. Consequently, the number of
sources providing related information is limited.
We chose positive clinical response as the second
criterion. That is complete or partial regression of tu-
mor, as well as stabilization of the disease.
To facilitate the proposed meta-analysis methodology,
we are developing an informational analytical sys-
tem. The system integrates modules that aim to au-
tomate all the essential steps of the proposed method-
ology: information gathering, information extraction
and analysis of cause-and-effect relations.
4.1 Information Gathering
Information gathering is organized as thesauri-aided
meta-search: user types a search query with the help
of domain-specific vocabularies (e. g. MeSH, ICD
etc.) and the system redirects this query to such public
libraries of scientific texts as PubMed, Cochrane, etc.
This leads to filling of a local publication database.
After an expert concludes that the local database
is full enough they can launch information extraction
module. The aim of this module is to convert unstruc-
tured or semi-structured information about patients
and treatments presented in the documents found into
the vector space representation.
The proposed module for information extraction
implements a rather standard text mining pipeline:
first, the documents are converted to plain text, then
segmentation and tokenization, morphological analy-
sis, syntax parsing, semantic role labeling, third-party
information extraction algorithms and our informa-
tion extraction methods follow. The engine is im-
plemented using UIMA (Ferrucci and Lally, 2004),
thus each processing step reads source data from and
writes results to a unified graph-like data structure
called CAS. CAS contains text and annotations. An-
notations are program objects that are labelled spans
of text. Annotations have attributes (properties) of
various types and may refer to other annotations.
One of the peculiarities of our pipeline is that it in-
corporates Tabula library to extract tables from PDF
documents (Nurminen, 2013). It’s important because
many papers contain information about patients writ-
ten as tables. After Tabula extracts tables, the text
in cells is aligned against the full text and the cor-
responding annotations are added to the CAS. Other
incorporated tool is cTAKES (Savova et al., 2010).
To reduce the necessary manual labor amount we
use on-line active machine learning paradigm: the
overall process of analyzing the documents is split
into iterations, on each the system outputs the ex-
tracted information and asks the user to provide some
feedback, i.e. answers to questions like “Is it a posi-
tive example of X?” and/or “Is this a positive/negative
example of X because of Y”. To efficiently analyze
expert’s feedback and generate the questions, we in-
dex all the CASes using a graph database. It’s pre-
ferred, but not necessary to use an incremental learn-
ing algorithm. SVM and inductive rule builders sup-
port this (Cauwenberghs and Poggio, 2000).
The problem of information extraction is treated
as a combination of binary classification problems:
first, a classifier must determine, whether a token rep-
resents a particular characteristics; second, it must
find mentions of patient groups (similarly to the first
subproblem); last, it must link characteristics to these
groups. Most of existing classification algorithms
work with vector-space object representation, thus it’s
important to choose appropriate feature selection pro-
cedure. Currently, we experiment with information
gain, Euclid distance between positive and negative
examples and various graph traversal strategies for
features extraction and selection. Classifiers being
tested are VM, HMM, CRF, ProbLog, decision trees,
neural networks (Collobert et al., 2011).
4.2 Feature Extraction
The information extraction step results in a summary
table in which rows correspond to groups of patients
and columns to their features. Table 1 is an ex-
ample of such a table. In most cases, it contains
columns that identify patient groups (paper identi-
fier/number of the group), describe diseases (via ICD-
10 codes or verbally), present results of various anal-
yses (e.g. tumor antigens), demographic information
(gender, sex), type of vaccine used, loading technique
and measures of outcomes (averagesurvival time with
and without treatment). Usually the summary table
contains a few hundreds of columns. Additionally, to
increase separability of classes, the binarization tech-
nique may be applied to this table. According to bina-
rization, features with K possible values (K > 2) are
replaced with K new features with only two possible
values, indicating presence or absence of the corre-
sponding value of the source feature.
To identify the set of significant features, the pre-
viously mentioned table is analyzed using inductive
machine learning methods. To determ the effective-
ness of specific DC vaccine types we choose JSM
method (Anshakov et al., 1991). JSM method is an
algorithm that allows discovering of cause-and-effect
relations. Although it was extensively used in vari-
ous areas, its applications are limited to only small-
scale problems (only about a few tens of features). To
overcome this issue, we propose to preliminary select
features using a more lightweight method, e.g. AQ
(Wojtusiak et al., 2006). The idea of the proposed
feature pre-filtering is that only those features that AQ
(or other preprocessing method) chooses to build up
the decision rules are forwarded to JSM method.
For this purpose, the table is represented as a
matrix of feature values A = {a
}. In this matrix
columns correspond features and rows - to theirs val-
, a
, . . . , a
), (1)
and each group of patients (object) corresponds to it
= a
, p
= a
, . . . , p
= a
), (2)
where p
= a
is a characteristic of an object.
Continuous features are discretized as follows.
The whole interval of feature values is divided into
three subintervals: w
low values, w
values, and w
high values. The system divides
all patients into classes according to successfulness
of the vaccination. As a result of learning, all classes
are described using a set of characteristics (AQ-rules
(Michalski, 1973; Wojtusiak et al., 2006)). Charac-
teristic h
is a disjunction of feature value intervals:
We propose to treat the process of rules genera-
tion as an optimization problem that consists in find-
ing a possibly optimal set of rules. However, clas-
sical optimization procedures cannot be applied, be-
cause of the large number of features and their values.
So it is reasonable to use a genetic algorithm (GA).
GA have been extensively applied to solving complex
optimization problems with non-standard algorithmic
assignment of functions, complex configurationof the
admitted region, with multi-extremal functions, large
number of variables, etc. (Goldberg, 1989).
We use a recently developed modification of the
well-known GA - co-evolutionary asymptotic genetic
algorithm (CAGA)(Sergienko and Semenkin, 2013).
It has fewer parameters than the standard GA. It rep-
resents several asymptotic probabilistic GA that work
in parallel and compete for a common resource - a
number of individuals in the population, and share the
best found solutions with each other. Base algorithms
have an adaptive mutation operator and differ from
each other by the selection criteria. Such a combi-
nation of algorithms make it unnecessary to choose
the selection, recombination and mutation operators,
which are individual for each discrete task.
Thus, we suggest to run an iterative process that
uses CAGA to find the best rule that covers the maxi-
mum number of positive examples and uses the mini-
mum number of characteristics. Examples that satisfy
Table 1: Example of structured information about patient groups extracted from scientific publications about DC trials.
Group Disease HLA Vaccine Load T cell Ir. SR. Before SR. After
1/1 Melanoma IV 1 MAGE A3 (168-176) I - 1 - -
2/1 NSCLC III/IV - MAGE A3 (112-120) I Indir 10 1 52 309
2/2 NSCLC III/IV - MAGE A3 (112-120) I Dir 10 1 280 655
3/1 Glioma 3/4 - OK-432 diff. - 1 400 480
the found decision rule are not excluded and they are
taken into account in subsequent steps. Within each
iteration at least one new object should be covered.
If two rules have the same length and coverage, the
one that covers a greater number of examples of the
original set is chosen.
An individual represents some rule which is en-
coded in a binary string as a sequence of characteris-
tics. Since each feature has three values, a feature is
encoded by three numbers (0 or 1), which are inter-
preted as the presence or absence of the correspond-
ing feature value in the rule. If all feature values are
equal to one, then the feature is insignificant and it
should be excluded from rules during decoding.
Extracted descriptions of groups of patients are
sparse and often miss some features. To deal with
missing data, we assume that a rule covers an object
if they don’t contradict to each other: the rule must
contain only values, which the object description ei-
ther contains or misses. When covering positive ob-
jects there is one more condition: a rule has to include
at least one the non-missing feature value.
Due to the data sparsity there can be a situation
when a positive example is similar to a set of negative
ones and there is no rule that separates them. This
means that such set of objects has conflicts and there-
fore we first delete such conflicting negativeexamples
from initial set before the rules learning.
We selected the fitness function as a weighted
+ βN
max, α β γ > 0, (3)
where N
is a number of covered positive examples
of the current set, N
is a number of covered pos-
itive examples of the initial set, N
is a number of
properties involved in the rule. The weights are de-
fined once before running the algorithm so that the
first summand makes the greatest contribution to the
sum and the last summand the smallest contribution.
Such type of function allows to identify the rules that
cover the largest number of examples to choose the
smallest rule.
We evaluated our method on medical dataset
MIMICII (Massachusetts Institute of technology,
2014). We chose two groups of patients with two dif-
ferent diseases (65 and 60 patients correspondingly)
and automatically constructed rules that allowed dis-
tinguishing these patients according to their features.
We also compared our rules with rules obtained by
original AQ-method. The results of the comparison
are present in the table 2. The last column P shows
which part of rules covers a large part of objects (at
least one tenth of all objects).
Both methods were able to construct rules that
cover all positive objects. Number of feature values
in rules is almost the same in both cases. The fol-
lowing differences of methods should be highlighted.
AQ-method generates less number of rules. However,
only small part of these rules covers a large amount
of objects. Thus, there are three rules in average (one
tenth of all rules) that cover more than one tenth of
objects. At the same time our method constructs a set
of rules a bit larger, but there are more than twenty
rules in average (more than a half of all rules), which
cover more than one tenth of objects. Another dif-
ference is that rules generated by our method are sig-
nificantly differ from each other, when rules of AQ-
method are similar to each other and do not allow con-
sidering all valuable features, which are required for
4.3 Analysis of Cause-and-effect
As a result of feature extraction, each group of pa-
tients is described with a set of rules containing only
significant features:
= {R
)}. (4)
The set of features used to search cause-and-effect
relations consists of all the features used in all the
rules generated at the previous step. These cause-
and-effect relations form the so-called fact base that
explains why a certain case of DC vaccination is suc-
cessful or not. Generation of causal hypotheses is
performed using the JSM-method (Anshakov et al.,
1991). Besides, objects of all classes are considered
as the entire set of objects (positive and negative ex-
amples within the fact base).
JSM-method relies on the following assumptions:
Table 2: Comparison of rule sets obtained by our method and the original AQ-method.
Number of rules Length of rules Covered objects (%) P (%)
AQ-method 21–23 9–11 100 10–15
Our method 32–36 14-16 100 50–60
similarity hypothesis: if descriptions of all objects
with observable feature have only one common
part, then this part is a cause of the feature;
differences hypothesis: if descriptions of two ob-
jects are similar, except one part, and this part is
present in the case where the feature appears, then
this part is considered as a cause of the feature;
abduction hypothesis: if a set of parts of the de-
scription explains a set of hypotheses, then these
hypotheses are plausible.
JSM-method generates hypotheses about the
cause of the target feature value in the form of con-
junction of values for the class c
. A set of hypothe-
ses generated for characteristic h
is reduced by the
length and nesting. If a complex cause contains more
than three properties, it is considered as not signif-
icant. Causes which are an extension of other ones
due to the conjunction of the characteristics are also
excluded from the set of hypotheses.
This method for cause-and-effect relations mining
is used to analyze medical and psychological data and
recommended by experts in these fields due to trans-
parent and intuitive results (Blinova et al., 2003; Finn
et al., 1996).
Finally, we can define a classification problem:
given the features of a patient, disease and a DC vac-
cine, we need to determine whether this treatment will
be successful or not. Let h
(the class label) be the
feature that correspondsto the estimation of efficiency
of a DC vaccine. The input feature set consists of
properties identified by the JSM-method as causes of
a certain value of h
Classification of patients with cancer on the base of
numerical and symbolic information, extracted from
scientific publications and other sources, is proposed
in this article to increase the effectiveness of DCs vac-
cines application. Two-level division of patients into
groups according to the type of disease and type of
tumor is recommended. To justify such division we
analyzed the registry of clinical trials and the Med-
line search system, found reliable information for dif-
ferent groups of patients and conducted an initial se-
lection of parameters that have a core role in patient
For further analysis of the retrieved information
a combined method for machine learning is proposed.
It combines the advantages of statistical and inductive
analysis and has already proved its applicability for
the analysis of clinical and psychological data.
This work was supported by the the Russian Foun-
dation for Basic Research (project no. 13-07-12127-
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