We would like to thank Jeroen Tas and Dale
Wiggins for their leadership and support in this long
term and important project. Thank you also to
Goutham Naval and Kyle Nguyen for helping
bootstrap this new technology and Umang Nayyar
for his great collaboration on this project.
Our appreciation to Ernest Angles Isern for
sharing his knowledge in the domain of the device
We would also like to thank all members of
HISS and DHP teams, in particular Eldo Issac, Ben
Hallam, Brian Key, Vijayananda J. and Chad Evans
for their contributions on this project. Thank you
also to all business groups at Philips for their
contribution and input to this new healthcare
We are also very grateful to the Pivotal team,
especially Yogesh Gupta, James Watters and Zach
Brown for sharing their enthusiasm and experience
of the Cloud Foundry platform.
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