separation of concerns in language definition that in-
cludes high-level declarative meta-languages that in-
cludes constraints (Visser, 2014).
In the second category, Mens, van der Straeten
and d’Hondt cover model consistency checking in
Detecting and resolving model inconsistencies us-
ing transformation dependency analysis (Mens et al.,
2006) with an interesting approach using transforma-
tion rules that have some similarity to the graphical
presentation of LCL, although it has a different goal
from the current issue of constraints enforcement in
language specifications.
The third category includes Jaffar and Mahler’s
Constraint logic programming: a survey that gives
an overview of constraint logic programming, from
which domain-specific constraint languages may find
inspiration (Jaffar and Maher, 1994).
A survey of OCL usage in language specifications has
been performed, in order to gain an understanding that
is used to define a new approach for language con-
straints. A solution based on structured object pattern
implications is proposed, that also supports handling
of constraints checking issues like when to check, and
what to do if a constraint is broken. The proposed so-
lution allows language designers to focus on language
features rather than complex logical expressions. It
may be particularly useful for DSL developers be-
cause of its familiar graphical syntax that make con-
straints in LCL both easy to understand and easy to
explain to stakeholders that may be less familiar with
logical expression languages.
There are still open issues left for future work.
A full formal specification of all aspects of the pro-
posed constraints language is needed. A textual con-
crete syntax is being developed as an alternative to
the graphical diagram-based presentation. A pro-
totype implementation of LCL is already ongoing,
adding constraints support to the LanguageLab lan-
guage workbench (Gjøsæter and Prinz, 2012) that will
be tested on Master students studying computer lan-
guage theory and design next year. Based on experi-
ences from this prototype, the approach will be further
refined and adapted to the needs of DSL developers.
Birgit Demuth and Claas Wilke (2009). Model and Object
Verification by Using Dresden OCL. In Proceedings
of the Russian-German Workshop Innovation Infor-
mation Technologies: Theory and Practice, July 25-
31, Ufa, Russia, 2009, page 81. Ufa State Aviation
Technical University, Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia.
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Angelo and Kelly, Steven and Loh, Alex and others
(2013). The state of the art in language workbenches.
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tion Language (SDL-2000). ITU-T Recommendation
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mal Semantics Definition. International Telecommu-
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Jaffar, J. and Maher, M. J. (1994). Constraint logic program-
ming: a survey. The Journal of Logic Programming,
19–20, Supplement 1(0):503 – 581. Special Issue: Ten
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eling. Wiley-Interscience.
Mens, T., Van Der Straeten, R., and D’Hondt, M. (2006).
Detecting and resolving model inconsistencies using
transformation dependency analysis. In Model driven
engineering languages and systems, pages 200–214.
Nytun, J. P., Prinz, A., and Tveit, M. S. (2006). Auto-
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Visser, E. (2014). Separation of concerns in language def-
inition. In Proceedings of the Companion Publica-
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Willink, E. D. (2012). An extensible ocl virtual machine and
code generator. In Proceedings of the 12th Workshop
on OCL and Textual Modelling, OCL ’12, pages 13–
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