and depends on the walking velocity, within the am-
putees gait the angles never reaches ten degrees for
sound side. The put-on-angle of this subject is seen
as asymmetric due to its SI value of 44.49.
Further parameters which refer to an asymmetry
in the amputees gait are MH and HD. Both are partly
characteristic and can even be detected through vi-
sual inspection of the gyroscope data. Within the gait
cycle of the normal gait the difference of the ampli-
tudes at the events IC and TC are almost the same for
both legs (HD). Considering the amputees gait there is
an imbalance of that difference regarding the affected
and the unaffected body side (see figure 1). This is re-
flected by the calculated SI value of patients one (nor-
mal 57.23 and amputee one 95.56 and two 58.01).
Regarding the parameter MH the deviation is much
smaller, but it is recognizable in the SI value for one
of the patients (normal 11.10 and amputee one 44.49
and two 10.05). Considering the results of the exper-
iments, there are three to five gait parameters for the
motion of the foot (lower shank) which show a differ-
ence and therefore descriptive for the assessment of
the symmetry. As the tables 4 and 5 show that the gait
of amputees is not comparable due to different facts:
duration of wearing prosthesis, length of the stump,
type of the knee joint and others.
The determination of the gait parameters based on the
algorithms is equal for both, the normal and the am-
putees gait. The symmetry of the gait is calculated for
each parameter using the symmetry index of Robin-
son et al. (Robinson et al., 1987). A group of eight
is chosen from the 20 parameters. The parameters
HD, Sw, and St (SLS) characterize the asymmetric gait
of TF amputees in comparison to the normal bipedal
gait. The gait parameters MH, PA, and V are useful
for the identification of an amputees gait. These seem
to be descriptive and distinctive in terms of character-
izing the gait of healthy adults and those affected by
amputation as well as showing the existence of sym-
metry. Whether these parameter are correct will be
evaluated in the following study with TF amputees
where the gait analysis based on inertial sensors is in-
tended to use as pre- and posttest.
In addition to the changed swing-stance-relation
an oscillating motion of the upper body is characteris-
tic for the amputees in comparison to the normal gait
(Goujou-Pillet et al., 2008). These motion can not
be registered with two sensors attached to the lower
shank, though. Consequently, our gait analysis has
to be expanded to the upper body by using additional
sensors. Furthermore it is necessary for the evaluation
in the pre- and posttest of the following study with TF
amputees to have more measurements of normal gait.
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