Table 4: Average PPV if background model M1, L = 7,
σ = 0.7.
Tissue EP
Limb 0.55 0.53
Forebrain 0.56 0.53
Midbrain 0.48 0.49
Heart 0.53 0.53
Average 0.53 0.52
obtained by ensuring a maximum of repetitive se-
quence for every negative sample as done in (G¨oke
et al., 2012). Although the PPV values decrease com-
pared to the previous Tables, these later experiments
confirm that similar tissue-specific enhancers have a
higher sequence similarity, and thus they can be de-
tected with alignment-free methods.
In this paper we studied the use of alignment-free
measures to detect functional and/or evolutionary
similarities among regulatory sequences. We intro-
duced a multiple resolution alignment-free method
based on Entropic Profiles that is designed around the
use of variable-length words combined with statisti-
cal properties based on Information Theory. To eval-
uate the performance of several alignment-free meth-
ods, we devised a series of tests on both synthetic
and real data. In almost all simulations our method
outperforms all other statistics. Importantly EP
is also able to detect similarities between in vivo
identified enhancer sequences, e.g. of mouse. This
will help to better understand the sequence-dependent
code within CRMs, which is responsible for the large
diversity of cell types.
M. Comin was partially supported by the P.R.I.N.
Project 20122F87B2.
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