hood of a configuration is by dihedral rotations of one
or several covalent bonds by some, usually small, an-
gle. Atoms on one side of the rotating bond remain
stationary while the others rotate on orbits in parallel
planes and with centers on a common axis. Similarly,
if a covalent bond on a side chain is rotated, only a
very limited number of atoms on the side chain ro-
tates while all other atoms remain stationary.
Kinetic data structures for objects moving on
piecewise continuous trajectories are far from trivial.
The determination of how and when such data struc-
tures must be updated typically involves finding roots
of high-degree polynomials. For DC s, deciding when
a k-simplex T , k ≤ 3, becemes (seizes to be) Delau-
nay involves finding roots of polynomials of 8-th de-
gree (Russel, 2007). In α-complexes, it is necessary
to determine when a k-simplex T , k ≤ 3, becomes
(seizes to be) Gabriel and when it becomes (seizes to
be) short (Kerber and Edelsbrunner, 2013).
Fortunately, when rotating covalent bonds of pro-
teins, the computational effort of updating kinetic
data structures can be significantly reduced. It can
be shown that kinetic DC s and kinetic α-complexes
for this kind of restricted and coordinated movement
of objects (with the same rotational velocity) involve
finding roots of polynomials of degree at most 4. Fur-
thermore, as the results presented in this paper indi-
cate, the depth d of a neighborhood N
(i) of vertex i
does not need to be greater than 2 or 3. Hence, these
neighborhoods can be updated efficiently along with
the α-complexes.
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atively low α do capture the potential energy contri-
butions of nonbonded atoms. Furthermore, kinetic α-
complexes for restricted types of motion can prove
useful in protein structure prediction when searching
through the vast atomic configuration space.
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