the number of first fixations and re-fixations in dif-
ferent areas of interest. Additionally, changing the
layout of a report page according to guidelines
(based on the human cognition) faster response
times and lower the amount of fixations and re-
fixations needed. The influence of layout changes is
even higher when participants are familiar with the
content of the report which is surprising given they
are used to the displayed layout and have to apply
new search strategies.
These results indicate that recipients of a report
have to get familiar with the content in order to be
able to draw the right conclusion in a fast way.
However. they also indicate that an optimized layout
helps both groups of investigation (the familiar as
well as the unfamiliar ones). Standardization there-
fore is desirable but should not hinder changes to-
wards a perception-optimized layout. The results of
this study could further be confirmed by other tested
report-pages within the reported experiment as well
as with experiments in other companies using their
own reports. Further research will be conducted on
the detailed relationships between visual stimuli
(e.g. table or graph, graph types, graph layout and
design) and individual factors (e.g. culture, experi-
ence, working memory capacity) to be able to pre-
dict information retrieval performance.
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