Specific Electrodynamic Features of a Plasma Channel Created in
Gas by Powerful Femtosecond UV Laser Pulse
Application to the Problem of Guiding and Amplification of Microwave Radiation
A. V. Bogatskaya
, A. M. Popov
and E. A. Volkova
Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
D. V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Keywords: Laser and Microwave Radiation, Plasma Waveguide, Amplification of the Electromagnetic Radiation,
Electron Energy Distribution Function, Boltzmann Equation, Wave Equation in Paraxial Approximation.
Abstract: The evolution of strongly non-equilibrium plasma in a channel created in xenon by powerful KrF -
femtosecond laser pulse is studied. It is demonstrated that such a plasma channel can be used as a
waveguide for both transportation and amplification of the microwave radiation. The specific features of
such a plasma waveguide are studied on the basis of the self-consistent solution of the kinetic Boltzmann
equation for the electron energy distribution function in different spatial points of the gas media and the
wave equation in paraxial approximation for the microwave radiation guided and amplified in the channel.
The amplification factor in dependence on plasma channel radius, intensity and frequency of the input RF
radiation is analyzed.
Recent technological progress in photonics and
materials science make it possible to obtain different
type of sources of radiation in terahertz (THz) or
subterahertz frequency range. Such sources of
radiation are of significant interest in a number of
research fields, such as chemistry (Skinner, 2010),
molecular biology (Meister, et al, 2013), medicine
(Titova, et al., 2013) and materials science (Grady,
et al., 2013). The continuously increasing interest for
terahertz and subterahertz radiation and its possible
applications is caused by its ability to penetrate
through a lot of materials (Jepsen, et al., 2011),
which are usually opaque in the infrared and visible.
Also, a number of physical and chemical processes
(vibrational dynamics of macromolecules and
crystalline lattices, reconstruction of hydrogen
bounds, etc.) can be controlled and governed by this
low frequency radiation.
The goal of our paper is to study the process of
transportation of focused microwave pulses in
subterahertz frequency band with low divergence
and possibility of their amplification in a plasma
channel at distances of order of 100 cm.
It is known, that if the electron energy distribution
function (EEDF) in a plasma is characterized by the
energy intervals with the inverse population, such
situation can be used for amplification of the
electromagnetic radiation (Bekefi, et al, 1961;
Bunkin, et al, 1973). Such EEDF can be easily
obtained in the process of multiphoton ionization of
a gas by a high-intensity laser pulse under the
conditions when the pulse duration is comparable or
even less than the average time interval between the
electron - atomic collisions. To realize the regime of
amplification one needs the gas of atoms or
molecules characterized by the transport cross
section increment with the energy where the peak of
photoelectrons is found to exist. Bogatskaya and
Popov (2013) had demonstrated that such a regime
of amplification of electromagnetic radiation can be
obtained in a xenon plasma created by powerful
- 10
) excimer KrF laser pulse
eV) of femtosecond duration in
subterahertz frequency band (
< ,
is the
transport frequency) at time duration up to 100 ns. In
(Bogatskaya, et al, 2013) the possibility to amplify
the subtrerahertz radiation in different gases was
analyzed. The amplification regime in the air plasma
was studied in (Bogatskaya, et al, 2014a). It was
found that amplification in air plasma created by the
Bogatskaya A., Popov A. and Volkova E..
Specific Electrodynamical Features of a Plasma Channel Created in Gas by Powerful Femtosecond UV Laser Pulse - Application to the Problem of
Guiding and Amplification of Microwave Radiation.
DOI: 10.5220/0005252801490156
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS-2015), pages 149-156
ISBN: 978-989-758-093-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)