significant effect on the average output power. The
mode-locking modulation depth varies with Q-
switch modulating frequency changing. With fixed
Q-switch modulation frequency, the modulation
depth of the Raman laser depends on the frequency
beating of the two cavities.
In the further research, another mirror coated for
high reflectivity of the fundamental laser and anti-
reflectivity for the first stokes laser can be inserted
between the Raman crystal and the output coupler to
construct a longer Raman cavity. With appropriate
length relation between these two cavity, the
conversion efficiency can be increased.
This work was supported by a Grant from the
National Natural Science Foundation of China
(61475067,11404332),Natural Science Foundation
of Guangdong Province (S2013040016819,
S2013040012601), and the technology innovation
foundation of educational commission of
Guangdong Province (2013KJCX0022).
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