Coded signals can be also used to differenti-
ate simultaneous emissions. These techniques are
known as Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).
CDMA have been successfully used for indoor po-
sitioning and obstacle detection in robotics applica-
tions (De Marziani et al., 2012; Diego et al., 2012;
Klaus-Werner et al., 1998). In these works, a multi-
user scenario is considered, assigning a different code
to each user. Then simultaneous emissions and re-
ceptions from different users are possible, since each
code is used as an user identifier.
Multiple access techniques have been already ap-
plied in ultrasonic imaging. (Shen, 1996) proposes to
emit a pseudo-orthogonal m-sequence in each direc-
tion, acquiring several lines at the same time thanks
to a bank of filters in reception stage. (Gran and
Jensen, 2008) propose the use of pseudo-random
codes in synthetic transmit aperture (STA) to separate
the echoes originating from two different transmitters
and improve SNR. Also (Diego et al., 2012) present
a design of an ultrasonic phased array with M emit-
ters and a single receiver based on encoded excita-
tion with loosely synchronous sequences for obstacle
detection, which scans the whole environment with a
single emission.
This work suggest a new method based on us-
ing CDMA techniques in TFM imaging to reduce
the emissions needed to acquire RF data. By encod-
ing the transmission with pseudo-orthogonal Kasami
codes several elements of the array can be excited si-
multaneously. Echoes coming back from the simul-
taneous emissions can be distinguished in reception
thanks to the suitable correlation properties of the
codes. Thereby the proposal allows to increase the
amount of data acquired by a single emission, acceler-
ating the acquisition process and making the imaging
system less sensible to motion artifacts.
Kasami sequences are widespread in CDMA tech-
niques due to their suitable auto-correlation (AC) and
cross-correlation (CC) functions. The small set of
Kasami sequences used in this work is composed by
K = 2
sequences of length L = 2
− 1, where X
must be even. If the length of the sequences in-
creases, the number of sequences available also in-
creases. However, as it was exposed (Guti´errez-
Fern´andez et al., 2014), in ultrasound imaging appli-
cations code length is limited due to the blind-zone
problem. Therefore, 63 bits sequences are used in
this work, which can be used to scan distances begin-
ning from 5 cm. With this code length the Kasami set
is composed by K=8 pseudo-orthogonal sequences.
Generation of this Kasami sequences is based on the
algorithm proposed by (P´erez et al., 2009), which al-
lows to select those sequences with lower cross-talk
values in asynchronous environments.
In Total Focusing method a set of NxN signals is used
to obtain the highest image quality. A scheme of the
acquisition process is shown in Figure 1. In every
emission, a single element is fired and all elements re-
ceive echo data. For a N-element array this process is
repeated N times, storing NxN recordings to compose
the image. Once stored in memory, these recordings
can be properly delayed to bring into focus all image
Figure 1: Acquisition process in Total Focusing Method for
a 1-D N-element array. In every emission, a single element
is fired and all elements receive echo data, acquiring N sig-
nals. This process is repeated for each array element, stor-
ing NxN recordings to compose the image.
TFM has the same T/R matrix and effective aper-
ture than conventional PA (Lockwood and Foster,
1995), but it is fully focused, so the highest image
quality is reached. Moreover, TFM reduces the elec-
tronics complexityin the emission stage by multiplex-
ing the same electronic in every emission. However,
as it has been aforementioned in section 1, TFM is
affected by motion artifacts due to there are phase
misalignments between signals acquired in different
emissions. Therefore, it is clear that a reduction in
the number of emissions needed to acquire RF data is
desirable to properly scan fast moving tissues.