2.1 Subjects
Sixteen NMD patients and ten healthy subjects (HS)
were considered for this study.
Patients age ranges between 1 to 54 years. In our
Institute clinical studies follow the ethical guidelines
of our local ethics committee. Informed written
parental consent was obtained before the enrollment
in the study. As expected, any side effects from
muscle MRI examination has not observed. This
examination is now routinely performed and does
not require the use of anesthetic in young children
after the 6 or 7 years of age. Sometimes muscle MRI
has been performed in children less 6 yrs of age
following general anaesthesia when brain MRI has
been also required for diagnostic investigation.
The Medical Research Council (MRC) scale was
used to assess the weakness in lower limbs. Patients
were stratified in the five classes listed below
according to MRC scores and maximal functional
motor achievement: class 1 asymptomatic, class 2
mild symptomatic, class 3 moderate symptomatic,
class 4 severely symptomatic, class 5 non-
ambulatory. All patients except one were
The MRI exams of NMD patients were acquired
between 2011 and 2012 at the MR laboratory of
IRCCS Stella Maris Institute (Pisa, Italy) with a
1.5T scanner MR Signa GE Medical Systems HdxT
with a whole body TX-RX coil. The standard MR
protocol consisted of a 2D axial T
1-weighted Spin
Echo sequence with acquisition matrix of 256 x 256,
FOV = 44 cm x 44 cm, TE = 14 ms and TR = 540
ms. The resulting images have an in-plane resolution
of 1.72 mm x 1.72 mm and 5 mm of slice thickness.
Only the scan of the proximal third of the thigh
of each subject was taken into account for analysis.
All images were qualitatively assessed for the
presence/absence of fat infiltration by a pediatric
neurologist expert in muscle MRI, using the Mercuri
grading (Mercuri, 2002).
The MRI scans of the ten healthy volunteers
(healthy subjects, HS) have been acquired with the
same acquisition protocol to obtain the reference
standard for the eNMP (estimated Non Muscle
Percentage) index in the healthy condition.
2.2 Software Tools
MRI data were analyzed with the medical image
processing and visualization tool MeVisLab (MeVis
Medical Solutions AG and Fraunhofer MEVIS in
Bremen, Germany, http://www.mevislab.de/). It
consists in an image-processing environment with a
special focus on visualization and analysis of
diagnostic images. It is structured in a modular
framework, where algorithms for segmentation,
registration and quantitative image analysis can be
implemented. It is based on Python programming
language and modular expandable C++ image
processing libraries. The Insight Toolkit (ITK) and
Visualization Toolkit (VTK) software are integrated;
they are open-source, freely available software
systems that support computer graphics, image
processing, modeling techniques and advanced
visualization applications.
2.3 Characterization of Healthy
The MRI data set of the ten healthy subjects was
studied in order to make an automatic analysis of
anatomical features such as geometry and signal
intensity of muscle and fat tissues.
We introduced an original index, the eNMP
index, to take into account the fraction of non-
muscle tissues, which are present within the muscle
area. More in details, considering as muscle area the
geometric area defined on the MR image excluding
the bone and the subcutaneous fat by means of a
segmentation procedure, it is evident that in this area
blood vessels, nerves, fat and connective tissue are
still included. By the eNMP index, the percentage of
any tissues different from muscle included in the
delineated muscle area is taken into account. To the
best of our knowledge this reference standard
obtained in the analysis of healthy subjects has not
previously been reported in the literature.
The basic idea of the whole analysis is to take
advantage of the different signal intensity of muscle
and fat in MR images. An example of thigh MR
image is shown in Figure 1, where the main muscle
districts, the subcutaneous fat and the femur bone
are clearly visible.
2.3.1 Image Histogram Analysis
The analysis has been performed on a particular 2D
image of the thigh, i.e. a slice selected by the child
neurologist, where all the muscle sectors are clearly
visible (at about half thigh length). It starts with a
multiple Gaussian fit of the histogram of the image
intensity values. Assuming that voxels values which
are respectively part of muscle and fat tissue follow
Gaussian distributions, a process of curve fitting has
been executed in each histogram by using a least