tively. Authors in (Ma et al., 2013) propose a practi-
cal taxi ridesharing service in which an organization
operates a dynamic taxi ridesharing service. In their
system, the taxi drivers can independently determine
when they join and leave the service. Thus, riders sub-
mit ride queries in real time via a mobile device, e.g.,
a smartphone. Each query indicates the origin and
destination locations of the trip, as well as the time
windows during which the rider wants to be picked up
and dropped off. Once a new query is received, the
system determines an appropriate taxi which is able
to satisfy both the new query and the trips of existing
riders who are already assigned to that taxi. The up-
dated schedules and routes will then be given to the
corresponding taxi driver and riders. Another work
on taxi-ridesharing problem is considered in (Varone
and Janilionis, 2014).
Classical Ridesharing Problem. The principle
is rather similar to Taxi-ridesharing. The main
differences are, (i) the classical ridesharing is based
on private cars in which the rider shares his trip
with a simple driver, while in taxi ridesharing the
presence of the taxi driver is obligatory, (ii) the taxi
ridesharing usually needs appropriate pricing mech-
anisms, generally more expensive than a classical
ridesharing, to incite taxi drivers. Several research
has been reported recently in the fields of ridesharing,
see (Agatz et al., 2012) and (Furuhata et al., 2013).
In ridesharing system, when a driver’s offer or rider’s
request arrives in the system, some options should
be specified. For instance, when the driver offers
a ride, he may specify if he is willing to take a
single rider or multiple riders. Similarly, when the
rider looks for a ride, he specifies if he wants to
ride with a single driver or may accept to ride with
multiple drivers and will be transferred from one
to another to reach his final destination. Thus, we
distinguish four variants, namely, single-driver and
single-rider (Geisberger et al., 2010), (Amey, 2011),
single-driver and multiple-riders (Baldacci et al.,
2004), (Herbawi and Weber, 2012), multiple-drivers
and single-rider (Drews and Luxen, 2013), and finally
multiple-drivers and multiple-riders (Herbawi and
Weber, 2012). In each variant, the matching between
riders and drivers depends on one or more objective
functions, such as the maximization of the number of
matchings, the maximization of the cost saving, the
maximization of distance saving, etc.
The ridesharing problem with intermediate lo-
cations can be seen as an extension of the slugging
problem and the classical ridesharing problem.
Firstly, the driver’s route can change to accommodate
riders compared to slugging problem. Secondly, in
contrast to the classical ridesharing problem, the
pick-up and drop-off locations are not necessarily the
origins and the destinations of rider, respectively.
The problem of ridesharing with intermediate lo-
cations is addressed in (Aissat and Oulamara, 2014b),
(Bit-Monnot et al., 2013) and (Aissat and Oulamara,
2014a). In (Aissat and Oulamara, 2014b), the authors
consider the round trip ridesharing problem with an
intermediate meeting location. The rider drives to the
intermediate meeting location using his private car
and parks it there, so in the return trip, he must be
dropped off at that location to get his car back. Thus,
for a given demand, the optimization system deter-
mines the best meeting location, the best driver in out-
going trip and the best driver in return trip passing via
the intermediate meeting location where the rider’s
car was left. Authors develop an efficient approach
where the objective is to minimize the total cost in
round trip. Their approach was validated by exper-
iments based on real data of ridesharing. The main
advantage of their approach is increasing the oppor-
tunity of matching between riders-drivers and then a
significant reduction of the total travel cost compared
to the classical approach of round trip ridesharing.
In (Bit-Monnot et al., 2013), the authors consider
the problem of ridesharing with intermediate loca-
tions, where the rider can use the public transportation
either in order to reach the meeting location from his
starting location, or to reach his ending location com-
ing from the separate location. The authors propose
an optimal method to find the pick-up and drop-off
locations in O(m·n
), where n is the number of nodes
and m is the number of edges in the graph, in which
the objective is to minimize the cumulated travel time
for both the driver and the rider. However, the time
complexity of this method prevents its use in real-
time ridesharing, and their model does not take into
account the detour time constraint (i.e., the total time
of the detour should be less than a given value fixed by
the driver (rider)) and detour cost constraint (i.e., the
incurred cost of the driver (rider) using ridesharing
mode is more attractive than the incurred cost when
they travel alone).
In this paper, we consider the problem of rideshar-
ing with intermediate locations. The objective func-
tion is to minimize the total travel cost in scenario in-
volving transportation modes with time-independent
arc costs, while ensuring that their detour costs and
times remain reasonable. Thus, for a given rider, we
determine the best driver, the best meeting and sepa-
rate locations that minimize the total travel cost under
constraints of time and cost detour of rider and driver.
We suggest some heuristic methods that reduce the
number of shortest paths computations, based on the