System for Intrusion
Detection with Artificial Neural Network
José Ernesto Luna Domínguez, Anabelem Soberanes Martín and Cristina Juárez Landín
University Center UAEM Chalco Valley, Hermenegildo Galeana #3, Col. María Isabel,
Chalco Valley, Estate of Mexico, Mexico
Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Intrusion Detection, Multilayer Perceptron, Training Strategies.
Abstract: With the rapid expansion of computer networks during the past decade, security has become a crucial issue
for computer systems. Different soft-computing based methods have been proposed in recent years for the
development of intrusion detection systems. This paper presents a neural network approach to intrusion
detection. A Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is used for intrusion detection based on an off-line analysis
approach. While most of the previous studies have focused on classification of records in one of the two
general classes - normal and attack, this research aims to solve a multi class problem in which the type of
attack is also detected by the neural network. Different neural network structures are analyzed to find the
optimal neural network with regards to the number of hidden layers. An early stopping validation method is
also applied in the training phase to increase the generalization capability of the neural network. The results
show that the designed system is capable of classifying records with about 91% accuracy with two hidden
layers of neurons in the neural network and 87% accuracy with one hidden layer.
The rapid development and expansion of World
Wide Web and local network systems have changed
the computing world in the last decade. However,
this outstanding achievement has an Achilles’ heel:
The highly connected computing world has also
equipped the intruders and hackers with new
facilities for their destructive purposes. The costs of
temporary or permanent damages caused by
unauthorized access of the intruders to computer
systems have urged different organizations to
increasingly implement various systems to monitor
data flow in their networks (Vigna, 2002). These
systems are generally referred to as Intrusion
Detection Systems (IDSs).
There are two main approaches to the design of
IDSs. In a misuse detection based IDS, intrusions
are detected by looking for activities that
correspond to known signatures of intrusions or
vulnerabilities. On the other hand, an anomaly
detection based IDS detects intrusions by searching
for abnormal network traffic. The abnormal traffic
pattern can be defined either as the violation of
accepted thresholds for frequency of events in a
connection or as a user’s violation of the legitimate
profile developed for his/her normal behavior.
One of the most commonly used approaches in
expert-system based intrusion detection systems is
rule-based analysis using Denning’s (Denning,
1987) profile model. Rule-based analysis relies on
sets of predefined rules that are provided by an
administrator or created by the system.
Unfortunately, expert systems require frequent
updates to remain current. This design approach
usually results in an inflexible detection system that
is unable to detect an attack if the sequence of
events is even slightly different from the predefined
profile. The problem may lie in the fact that the
intruder is an intelligent and flexible agent while
the rule- based IDSs obey fixed rules. This
problem can be tackled by the application of soft
computing techniques in IDSs.
Soft computing is a general term for describing
a set of optimization and processing techniques that
are tolerant of imprecision and uncertainty. The
principal constituents of soft computing techniques
are Fuzzy Logic (FL), Artificial Neural Networks
(ANNs), Probabilistic Reasoning (PR), and Genetic
Algorithms (GAs) (Bonissone, 2005). The idea
behind the application of soft computing techniques
and particularly ANNs in implementing IDSs is to
include an intelligent agent in the system that is
capable of disclosing the latent patterns in
Luna J., Martín A. and Landín C..
System for Intrusion Detection with Artificial Neural Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0005256704700475
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2015), pages 470-475
ISBN: 978-989-758-074-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
abnormal and normal connection audit records, and
to generalize the patterns to new (and slightly
different) connection records of the same class.
In the present study, an off-line intrusion
detection system is implemented using Multi Layer
Perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network. While in
many previous studies (Cannady, 2006) the
implemented system is a neural network with the
capability of detecting normal or attack connections,
in the present study a more general problem is
considered in which the attack type is also detected.
This feature enables the system to suggest proper
actions against possible attacks. The promising
results of the present study show the potential
applicability of ANNs for developing practical IDSs.
Different structures of MLP are examined to find
a minimal architecture that is reasonably capable of
classification of network connection records. The
results show that even an MLP with a single layer of
hidden neurons can generate satisfactory
classification results. Because the generalization
capability of the IDS is critically important, the
training procedure of the neural networks is carried
out using a validation method that increases the
generalization capability of the final neural network.
The 1999 version of MIT Lincoln Laboratory–
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency) intrusion detection evaluation data was
used in this research (Vigna, 2002). The sample
version of the dataset included more than 450,000
connection records. A subset of the data that
contained the desired attack types and a reasonable
number of normal events were selected manually.
The final dataset used in this study included 20,055
2.1 Attack Types
There are at least four different known categories of
computer attacks including denial of service attacks,
user to root attacks, remote to user attacks and
probing attacks (Kendall, 1999). Two different
attack types were included in the dataset used for
this study: SYN Flood (Neptune) and Satan. These
two attack types were selected from two different
attack categories (denial of service and probing) to
check for the ability of the intrusion detection
system to identify attacks from different categories.
Availability of enough data records was the other
factor in choosing these two specific types.
Furthermore, there are studies that have used the
same attack types (Cannady, 2006) Therefore,
evaluation of the results by comparing them to
previous studies was possible. In the following
paragraphs, a description of the attack types is
SYN Flood (Neptune) is a denial of service attack
to which every TCP/IP implementation is vulnerable
(to some degree). For distinguishing a Neptune
attack network traffic is monitored for a number of
simultaneous SYN packets destined for a particular
machine. The host sending these packets is usually
unreachable (Kendall, 1999).
Satan is a probing intrusion which automatically
scans a network of computers to gather information
or find known vulnerabilities. The network probes
are quite useful for attackers planning a future attack
(Kendall, 1999).
Table 1: Distribution of data vectors in different subsets
for training, validation, and testing sets.
Test Set
Normal 4,752 200 3,824
Neptune 3,360 200 2,231
Satan 2,625 200 1,214
Table 1 shows detailed information about the
number of records from normal and two attack types
included in training, validation, and testing sets.
There were 7,725 records of normal connections,
5,251 records of Neptune attack, and 2,474 records
of Satan attack in the dataset.
In DARPA dataset each event (connection) is
described with 41 features. 22 of these features
describe the connection itself and 19 of them
describe the properties of connections to the same
host in last two seconds. In many attack scenarios,
the signature of the attack record is identified
through examination of some features in a sequence
of records. Therefore, the IDS should analyze the
service types used by the same user in previous
connections and for this purpose these 19 features
describing past events in the computer network were
included in the feature vector.
A complete description of all 41 features is
available (Mukkamala, 2002), (Vigna, 2002).
Instead of describing all the features, here we divide
them into three groups and provide descriptions and
examples for each group.
Group 1 includes features describing the
commands used in the connection (instead of the
commands themselves). These features describe the
aspects of the commands that have a key role in
defining the attack scenarios. Examples of this group
are number of file creations, number of operations
on access control files, number of root accesses, etc.
Group 2 includes features describing the
connection specifications. This group includes a set
of features that present the technical aspects of the
connection. Examples of this group include:
protocol type, flags, duration, service types, number
of data bytes from source to destination, etc.
Group 3 includes features describing the
connections to the same host in last 2 seconds.
Examples of this group are: number of connections
having the same destination host and using the same
service, % of connections to the current host that
have a rejection error, % of different services on the
current host, etc..
During inspection of the data it turned out that
the values of six features (land, urgent,
num_failed_logins, num_shells, is_host_login
num_outbound_cmds) were constantly zero over all
data records (see (Mukkamala, 2002) for
descriptions). Clearly these features could not have
any effect on classification and only made it more
complicated and time consuming. They were
excluded from the data vector. Hence the data vector
was a 35 dimensional vector Different possible
values for selected features were extracted and a
numerical value was attributed to each of them. For
example, for the protocol type the possible
numerical values were: tcp=0, udp=1, icmp=2. This
numerical representation was necessary because the
feature vector fed to the input of the neural network
has to be numerical.
The ranges of the features were different and
this made them incomparable. Some of the features
had binary values where some others had a
continuous numerical range (such as duration of
connection). As a result, the features were
normalized by mapping all the different values for
each feature to [0, 1] range.
2.2 Implementation: Training and
Validation Method
The present study was aimed to solve a multi class
problem. Here, a three class case is described which
can be extended to cases with more attack types.
An output layer with three neurons (output states)
was used: [1 0 0] for normal conditions, [0 1 0] for
Neptune attack and [0 0 1] for the Satan attack.
The desired output vectors used in training,
validation, and testing phases were simply as
mentioned above. In practice, sometimes the output
of the neural network showed other patterns like [1
1 0] which were considered irrelevant. It is
straightforward to show that there are 6 possible
irrelevant cases.
In this paper, a three layer
neural network means
a neural network with two hidden layers (the input
layer is not counted because it acts just like a buffer
and no processing takes place in it; however, the
output layer is counted). The universal
approximation theorem states that an MLP (with
one or more hidden layers) can approximate any
function with arbitrary precision and of course the
price is an increase in the number of neurons in the
hidden layer (Theodorios, 1999). The question is if
anything is gained by using more than one hidden
layer. One answer is that using more than one layer
may lead to more efficient approximation or to
achieving the same accuracy with fewer neurons in
the neural network.
The performance of a 2 layer neural network is
seldom reported in the previous studies as
described in Section II. One of the objectives of the
present study is to evaluate the possibility of
achieving the same results with this less complicated
neural network structure. Using a less complicated
neural network is more computationally efficient.
Also it would decrease the training time.
Neural Network Toolbox was used
for the implementation of the MLP networks. Using
this tool one can define specifications like number of
layers, number of neurons in each layer, activation
functions of neurons in different layers, and number
of training epochs. Then the training feature vectors
and the corresponding desired outputs can be ted to
the neural network to begin training.
All the implemented neural networks had 35
input neurons (equal to the dimension of the
feature vector) and three output neurons (equal to
the number of classes). Number of the hidden layers
and neurons in each were parameters used for the
optimization of the architecture of the neural
network. Error back-propagation algorithm was
used for training.
One problem that can occur during neural
network training is over-fitting. In an over fitted
ANN, the error (number of incorrectly classified
patterns) on the training set is driven to a very small
value, however, when new data is presented, the
error is large. In these cases, the ANN has
memorized the training examples; however, it has
not learnt to generalize the solution to new
One possible solution for the over-fitting
problem is to find the suitable number of training
epochs by trial and error. In this study, the training
time was too long (25 hours in the first experiment).
Therefore, it was not reasonable to find the optimal
number of epochs by trial and error. A more
reasonable method for improving generalization is
called early stopping. In this technique, the
available data is divided into three subsets. The first
subset is the training set, which is used for training
and updating the ANN parameters. The second
subset is the validation set. The error on the
validation set is monitored during the training
process. The validation error will normally decrease
during the initial phase of training similar to the
training set error. However, when the ANN begins
to over-fit the data, the error on the validation set
will typically begin to rise. When the validation
error increases for a specified number of iterations,
the training is stopped, and the weights that
produced the minimum error on the validation set
are retrieved. In the present study, this training-
validation strategy was used in order to maximize
the generalization capability of the ANN.
The first implemented intrusion detector was a three
layer MLP (two hidden layers with 35 neurons in
each). This structure is referred to as: {35 35 35 3}.
At this stage early stopping validation was not
applied and the training was performed for 200
times. The training process took more than 25
hours. Figure 1 shows the mean square error of the
back propagation training process versus the
progress of training epochs. The error clearly
decreased to an outstanding level (comparable to
zero). Therefore, it was expected to have good
classification results. The final correct classification
rate on training set confirmed this theory: it was
very close to 100%. However, when unseen data
(test set) was fed to the neural network, the result
was undesirable. The correct classification rate was
less than 80%.
3.1 Application of Early Stopping
Validation Method
The initial result was a clear indication of over-
fitting of the neural network. As explained, the
reasonable solution was to define a validation data
set and monitor the classification error on this data
set while the neural network was being trained. The
validation set used in this study consisted of 900
data records (300 of each class). The same neural
network {35 35 35 3} was trained this time by
applying early stopping validation method. Figure 2
shows the error of the training process versus
progress of training epochs for one training session.
procedure versus
method is
The error on the training set (darker curve) was
decreasing after epoch number 45; however, the
training process was stopped because the error on
the validation set was constant for ten epochs.
As expected, the correct classification rate on the
training set declined slightly (98% compared to
100% in the first experiment). Instead, when unseen
data (test set) was fed to the neural network the
result was considerably better than the first
experiment in which the early stopping method was
not applied. The correct classification rate was more
than 90% showing an 11% increase (from 80% in
the first experiment).
There was another advantage associated with
application of early stopping method: the training
time was decreased because the number of training
epochs was restricted by early stopping. The
training-validation time in this implementation was
less than 5 hours which is an improvement over 25
hours training time in the first experiment?
Because of the stochastic nature of the neural
networks, it is usually common to report results of
multiple training- testing procedures. Table 2
illustrates the results of three training-validation-
testing sessions of {35 35 35 3} MLP used in this
study. The correct classification results are reported
separately for training and test data sets.
Table 2: Correct classification rates in three different
Classification on
Training Set
Correct Classification
on Test Set
1 98.2 89.2
2 98.1 90.9
3 96.9 90.3
Average 97.46 90.13
3.2 Discussion
There were three categories of incorrect outputs:
false positive, false negative, and irrelevant neural
network output. The irrelevant outputs were those
that did not represent any of the output classes in
the data set (normal, Neptune attack, Satan attack).
While in a two state neural network implemented
with one output neuron there is no irrelevant output
state, in a three output neural network, there are 6
irrelevant states. An analysis showed that in the
three layer neural network with 90.9% correct
classification, more than half of the incorrect
results were from the category of irrelevant results.
The number of incorrect classifications of this
category can be decreased by classifying each
irrelevant pattern in the class corresponding to the
output neuron that has the highest value of activation
Are the results presented in the previous section
satisfactory? To answer this question, they should be
compared to the results of similar studies. In a
previous study (Mukkamala, 2002), a result of more
than 99% correct classification on this dataset
using the neural network structure {41-40-40-1}
was reported. However, a two class problem was
solved in which the records were classified either in
normal or in attack classes. In another similar study
with different dataset (Cannady, 2006), the success
rate was comparable to the results of the present
study (89-99%) and again a two class problem was
An approach for a neural network based intrusion
detection system, intended to classify the normal
and attack patterns and the type of the attack, has
been presented in this paper. We applied the early
stopping validation method which increased the
generalization capability of the neural network and
at the same time decreased the training time. It
should be mentioned that the long training time of
the neural network was mostly due to the huge
number of training vectors of computation facilities.
However, when the neural network parameters were
determined by training, classification of a single
record was done in a negligible time. Therefore, the
neural network based IDS can operate as an online
classifier for the attack types that it has been
trained for. The only factor that makes the neural
network off-line is the time used for gathering
information necessary to compute the features.
A two layer neural network was also successfully
used for the classification of connection records.
Although the classification results were slightly
better in the three layer network, application of a
less complicated neural network was more
computationally and memory wise efficient.
From the practical point of view, the
experimental results imply that there is more to do
in the field of artificial neural network based
intrusion detection systems. The implemented
system solved a three class problem. However, its
further development to several classes is
straightforward. As a possible future development to
the present study, one can include more attack
scenarios in the dataset. Practical IDSs should
include several attack types. In order to avoid
unreasonable complexity in the neural network, an
initial classification of the connection records to
normal and general categories of attacks can be the
first step. The records in each category of intrusions
can then be further classified to the attack types.
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