ξ(P,Q) =
area(P∩ Q)
area(P∪ Q)
where P and Q are two polygons being compared.
ξ(P,Q) = 0 if there is no overlap and 1 if they are
identical. P and Q are merged into the same compo-
nent if ξ(P,Q) ≥ 0.5. For each connected component,
a polygon with the highest convexity measure is re-
tained as a representative of the component.
Figure 6 shows results of the above consolidation
procedure. In each row, from left to right, the first
two images are the input natural image and the Canny
edge image, respectively. The next six images show
six representativepolygons with the highest convexity
measures. Polygons are drawn in thick black lines on
top of the dot patterns in gray.
Note that this experiment is not to provide a full
scale object extraction algorithm, which will be left
for future research. But it is to summarize polygons
derived from the algorithm in a concise and informa-
tive way. The selection procedure described above is
crude and requires further investigation.
4.2 Experiment 2
Our second experiment is to apply the grouping al-
gorithm to point patterns comprised of a shape and
superimposed noise, and examine if the representa-
tion recovers a polygon that closely matches with the
underlying shape. Thus, the experiment investigate
the robustness of the representation against random
dots. Figure 1 shows instances of such point patterns.
There are 20 shapes of animals and common objects.
Each shape was generated by tracing the boundary of
its binary image, keeping every 10th point while dis-
carding the others, and scaling them so that the shape
stretched around 200 ≤ x ≤ 800 and 200 ≤ y ≤ 800
in the pixel coordinate. For each shape, we imposed
three levels of noise, which were generated in the fol-
lowing way. The average spacing between adjacent
points in the shape was computed. Denote the av-
erage µ. Then the area between 200 ≤ x ≤ 800 and
200 ≤ y ≤ 800 was divided into grids of sµ by sµ
where s controlled the noise level and had a value of
1, 1.5 or 2. Within each grid, a point was placed ran-
domly while keeping clear of 10% margin around the
four border (so that no pair of noise points get too
close with each other). Thus, s = 1 gives the high-
est amount of noise, and s = 2 gives the least amount
of noise. Finally, 32 evenly spaced dots were placed
around a large circle centered at (500,500) with the
radius of 490. This circular pattern was intended to
provide a frame of reference to human subjects in our
third experiment as described below. Algorithm 2 was
applied to each dot pattern. Then, a polygon with the
highest overlap measure with the underlying shape as
defined in (3) was selected.
Figures 7 and 8 show dot patterns used in the ex-
periment and the most closely matched polygon in
terms of (3) in the representation. In the figures,
each row corresponds to one of 20 shapes. The first
four columns are dot patterns used for the experiment.
From left to right, they are the shape without any
noise, one with minimum amount of noise (s = 2),
one with medium amount of noise (s = 1.5), and one
with maximum amount of noise (s = 1). The next four
columns show the extracted polygon for each dot pat-
tern in the first four column. The number shown in
each figure is the overlap measure of (3). The aver-
age overlap measures among 20 shapes for different
noise levels are 0.93, 0.87, 0.80, and 0.52 for zero,
minimum, medium, and maximum noise levels, re-
spectively. Thus, the accuracy of the representation
degrade slowly as the noise level increase. At the
maximum noise level, some shapes are not perceiv-
able even for humans.
(a) image (b) Canny
(c) point pattern
(d) spanning tree
Figure 5
4.3 Experiment 3
Our final experiment is to investigate how the perfor-
mance of the straight polygon transformation based
shape extraction described above correlates with the
human perception. We recruited 20 volunteers on the
campus of University. Each subject was given a set
of four dot patterns and asked to delineate a salient
shape in the pattern and name the object. We manu-
ally selected 16 dot patterns that have diverse range of
’easy’ to ’difficult’ ones. Each dot pattern was viewed
by exactly five subjects. We calculated the proportion
of subjects who were able to recognize the underlying
object or delineated the shape accurately even though
failed to name the right object. The results are given
in Table 1. The first column gives the shape in the
pattern, the second column gives the noise level, the
third level gives the overlap measure of (3), and the
last column gives the recognition rate by the humans.
The overlap measure and the recognition rate are pos-
itively correlated with the Pearson coefficient of 0.54