shows the excellent usage of the LDA combination of
depth similarity and gradient features for human de-
tection in depth images.
To reduce the complexity of the RDSF calculation
and to keep the performance just by usage of mean
and variance features on the depth image, delivers not
sufficiently accurate results. The computational time
of the MV-RDSF is very fast, but the accuracy of the
original RDSF cannot be reached. Since, the feature
space of the MV-RDSF is not significantly enough to
separate the dataset, a LDA combination between the
classical HOG feature and the MV-RDSF shows very
good attributes to solve the problem. The time com-
plexity of the MV-HOG-RDSF is better than of the
RDSF (Ikemura and Fujiyoshi, 2010) and less fea-
tures are selected (needed) in the training to separate
the positive examples from the negative ones. Fur-
thermore, just the depth image, and not the intensity
or the RGB image, is needed, for a good classifica-
tion result. The complexity of computing the inte-
gral images and features add up to a fast classification.
Based on the LDA combination, just one classifier is
needed and not a decision fusion of different classi-
fiers, which are using just one of both feature types,
as it has been done in (Wang et al., 2012).
Further research could try to combine other depth
features with each other to reach more and more
the best possible classification result. Still on focus
should be the time complexity of the used features to
produce as fast as possible classifiers for real time ap-
plications, where real time means to ensure the com-
putation of all methods inside the frame rate of the
underlying sensor, in this case 33ms.
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