In this paper, a real-time self-scaling kinematic hand
skeleton model based approach for full hand-finger
pose estimation while determining hand and finger
joints’ angles was presented. The model was itera-
tively adapted on the 3D data of the hand delivered by
a depth camera using a least-squares optimization ap-
proach. Therefore, the data-model distance was sim-
plified allowing the whole pose estimation process
to be done in an optimization process without prior
steps. Further, the model was equipped with a self-
scaling ability to handle different hand sizes automat-
A detailed evaluation of the approach was given
including quantitative and qualitative results. It was
shown that the approach allows to track the hand’s
skeleton under hard conditions such as turning the
hand and presenting complex finger gestures. Fur-
thermore, the tracking performance on standard hard-
ware without using the GPU is up to 30 FPS, limited
by the camera’s speed. In addition, there are no train-
ing data or prior calculations required. Thus, the pre-
sented method is more efficient than most of the other
known hand-finger tracking approaches.
Future work will focus on the remaining problems
like handling very fast hand or finger movements and
adaptable hand proportions. Some improvements on
the support vector machine based gesture classifier
and a quantitative evaluation are planned. In addition,
an extension of the presented approach to estimating
the arm pose or even the full body pose is intended.
This would enable human robot interaction applica-
tions like controlling an industrial robot or a robotic
hand and could be used for a simple teach-in proce-
dure. Even simultaneous tracking of both hands and
the body is planned.
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