agents (nominal and cooperative) already developed
and implemented in DYNAMO MAS (Sellami et al.,
2013). We are adding these agents, adaptive skills, to
detect its uselessness, to avoid the useless and wrong
proposals and to propose others.
(ii) The time taken to automatically evolve an on-
tology is longer than necessary to manual mainte-
nance. This is due to the response time during val-
idation, deletion or modification of a proposal using
PROMPTDIFF tool. We believe that optimizing the
graphical interface between user and system, the time
of the interaction with the ontologist will be consider-
ably shortened.
The next section presents our proposed adaptive be-
haviour (an extension of DYNAMO MAS algorithm
(Sellami et al., 2011)).
In this paper, we are focusing in the two latest com-
ponents of DYNAMO system (the MAS and the pro-
posal manager). First, the ontologist shows his reac-
tion towards the evolved ontology (validates, refines,
rejects, adds others terms or concepts ...). These ac-
tions have an additional effects on the ontology ele-
ments (concepts, terms and/or relations). Secondly,
the main part, MAS has to consider the actions of on-
tologist and learn from this feedback and propose a
new ontology (new organization of MAS. This pro-
cess is iterative until we achieve a consistent ontology
(no more suggestions in the ≪proposal manager≫).
3.1 Types of Evolution Changes and
their Consequences on the Ontology
To improve the different suggestions of DYNAMO
MAS, agents behaviour are enhanced to react locally
to a set of changes made by the ontologist (accept,
reject, move, delete, create, split, merge, group... ).
Each change type can generate additive changes, by
adding new elements (concepts, terms and/or rela-
tions) to the ontology without affecting the existing
ones, and substractive changes by deleting some ele-
ments (Stojanovic, 2004).
Ontologist feedback can be a set of reactions towards
the system proposals or some personal suggestions
specific to him. Two kind of changes can be distin-
guished: elementary changes and composite changes.
Stojanovic (Stojanovic, 2004) defines an elementary
change as an ontology change that modifies (adds or
removes) only one entity of the ontology model and a
composite change as a change of ontology that can be
decomposed into several elementary changes.
These changes require various ontology evolution
strategies that depend on several criteria. The role of
our AMAS is to determine automatically the appro-
priate strategy by adding to the agents new behaviour
to adapt and learn from ontologist feedback. His re-
action is considered as perturbation by the DYNAMO
MAS. As a feedback, it reorganizes the agents and
produces another ontology proposition. This interac-
tive process is repeated until a satisfactory state of the
ontology is obtained.
Our AMAS is based on the declarative approach of
Stojanovic (Stojanovic, 2004). This approach does
not specify in advance the possible strategies to re-
solve change operations. The ontologist specifies
declaratively his desire (what) and the AMAS exe-
cutes the appropriate evolution strategy (how) to meet
the ontologist needs. The different types of evolu-
tion changes, considered in our approach, are listed
and classified by elementary and composite changes
in two tables as shown below:
Table 1: Term and Concept agents adaptive behaviour to
ontologist elementary changes.
Term Agent adaptive be-
Concept agent adaptive be-
Adaptation to acceptance or
Adaptation to acceptance
Adaptation to new term cre-
Adaptation to rejection
Adaptation to removal Adaptation to renaming
Adaptation to removal
Adaptation to sub-concept
Table 2: Term and Concept agents adaptive behaviour to
ontologist composite changes.
Term agent adaptive be-
Concept agent adaptive be-
Adaptation to moving Adaptation to moving
Adaptation to merging
Adaptation to renaming
Adaptation to split
Adaptation to grouping
3.2 Agents Adaptive Behaviour to
Ontologist Feedback
DYNAMO MAS provides as output an ontology. The
ontologist gives his reaction by applying one of the
different evolution actions enumerated above. Our
goal is to improve the algorithm of term and con-
cept agent by adding new behaviour to adapt and learn
from ontologist feedback. His reaction is considered
as perturbation by the DYNAMO MAS. As a feed-
back, AMAS reorganizes the agents, improves the