the estimated poses in this case would not pro-
duce a sufficient representative cluster.
In this paper, we presented a hierarchical binary clus-
tering approach which bridges the gap between 2D
human-pose estimation in an image, and 3D human-
pose reconstruction from 2D human-pose skeleton.
Using this approach we are able to translate query
keywords representing a human-pose conformation
into an approximate 3D human-pose skeleton. The
work in (Al-Hami and Lakaemper, 2014) uses the ge-
netic algorithm to adjust a humanoid robot pose, so
the robot would fit well on an unknown sittable object.
Extending such approach could be accomplished by
allowing the humanoid robot to adopt self-leaning us-
ing simple verbals describing a specific human-pose.
This style of query analysis allows us to extend the
humanoid robots ability toward self-motivated learn-
ing, allowing them to move forward in many applica-
tions. We discussed a hierarchical binary clustering
approach to extract a consistent representative subset
of human-poses. Silhouette value measurement was
used to capture a cluster consistency, and cost trans-
formation was used to rank poses within a cluster ac-
cording to their closeness to the approximate model.
For future work, we want to improve pose estimation
accuracy in 2D images. Also we want to improve the
3D reconstruction performance by forcing joint valid
rotation ranges, such that the constructed 3D pose is
within a valid joints rotations.
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