reason for the many existing professions. The basic
structure for handling different task domains may be
the same to a large extent. However, environments,
objects and subjects likely to be encountered as well
as typical behaviors of subjects may vary widely.
Within each task domain there are characteristic
maneuvers to be expected; therefore, driving on
highways, on city roads, on the country side or in the
woods requires different types of attention control
and subjects likely to be detected.
Learning which ones of these subjects with which
parameter sets are to be expected in which situations
is what constitutes “experience in the field”. This
experience allows recognizing snapshots as part of a
process; on this basis expectations can be derived that
allow a) focusing attention in feature extraction on
special events (like occlusion or uncovering of
features in certain regions of future images) or b)
increased resolution in some region of the real world
by gaze control for a bifocal system.
Crucial situation-dependent decisions have to be
made for transitions between mission phases where
switching between behavioral capabilities for the
maneuver is required. That is why representation of
specific knowledge of “maneuvers” is important.
In view of the supposition that human drivers will
expect from ‘autonomous driving’ at least coming
close to their performance levels in the long run, the
discrepancies between systems intended for first
introduction until 2020 and the features needed in the
future for this purpose have been discussed. A
proposal for a “Bifocal active road vehicle Eye” that
seems to be an efficient compromise between
mechanical complexity and perceptual performance
achievable has been reviewed and improved.
‘BarvEye’ needs just one tele-camera instead of more
than seventy mounted fix on the vehicle body to cover
the same high-resolution field of view. With respect
to hardware components needed, there is no
insurmountable barrier any more for volume or price
of such a system, as compared to the beginnings. The
software development in a unified design for detailed
perception of individuals with their specific habits
and limits continues to be a demanding challenge
probably needing decades to be solved. Learning
capabilities on all three levels of knowledge (visual
features, objects / subjects, and situations in task
domains) require advanced vision systems as
compared to those used in the actual introductory
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