to arrive at a robust skin detection. Once the region-
of-interest has been extracted, the already done PPG
analysis is filtered and modified to make the pulse
rate detection more confident. Achieved results on
skin and pulse rate detection have been evaluated and
benchmarked with a recent publication on this topic.
The authors like to thank the colleagues from the
Electronic Systems group, Dept. EE, of the Eind-
hoven University of Technology for acting as sub-
jects in our test, and particularly S.D. Fernando and
W. Wang for further assisting with the equipment and
the recording, and Cosmin Sabarnescu for the code
for estimating PPG signals that he build during his in-
ternship in the group.
This work was partially supported by TEC2011-
24319 from the Spanish Government and P08-TIC-
03674 from the Andalusian Regional Government
(both with support from FEDER). E. Calvo-Gallego
is funded by a FPU fellowship from the Spanish Gov-
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